Welcome to Our Facebook Group

Welcome to the Compassionate Mediation® Training Facebook group.

I'm so glad that you're here because I've been working for over 30 years to share the process of Compassionate Mediation® with professionals who could use it in their practice and with individuals and couples who could use it to help their relationships.

Compassionate Mediation is a process to talk about every issue that's conflicting in a relationship and to allow yourself to speak from your highest and best SELF.

And if you're a therapist, mediator, attorney, coach, counselor, or clergy, I want to give you the tools that I've developed that are based on IFS (Internal Family Systems therapy,) based on higher consciousness that I learned at the Chopra Center, based on coming from your highest and best self that SARK talks about, Dr. John Waddell.

And I merged all those together and I put them into a program so that you have the benefit now of all that I have learned over the past 30 years.

So please join me in the Facebook Group.

We'll be having some Facebook Lives. You can join me live. You can ask me questions live or submit them to Linda@LindaKroll.com

I want to share all that I can with you so that you too can help change the face of divorce, and conflict in general, one heart at a time.

I look forward to staying connected.

What Do Your Clients Truly Want?

What Do Your Clients Truly Want?

As a therapist, mediator, and attorney, I'm not always sure why a client comes to my office.

Sometimes, my clients aren't sure, because if they're coming as individuals, they may be unhappy in their relationship, but not sure what to do with it.

If they're coming as a couple, they may both want marriage counseling. One might have one foot out the door.

They both may have parts that are wondering whether to stay or go, but they haven't had the courage or the ability to talk about it.

What I do is provide a safe forum in which all parts are welcome, including the parts that aren't sure if they want to stay or go.

I've developed a process called Compassionate Mediation® that will give you the skills to navigate these conversations, because you'll stay one step ahead of your clients with the information I'll give you to give them.

And while we're talking about the content —whether it has to do with their relationship, their sexual relationship, their financial relationship, how they parent, how they deal with chores, how they communicate now or in the past – whatever the issues are — I give you the tools so that you can give them the content, and then you'll be helping with the process of Compassionate Communication.

You'll be making sure they stay “in Self” for each piece of the puzzle. 

I want to share with you what I've learned from Dick Schwartz and all my colleagues at IFS. and the Chopra Center with all my colleagues there.

I also offer all I've learned as a mediator and a therapist, and all that I experienced as someone who's gotten divorced, and helped a lot of people lead happier marriages together, and also successful separations and divorces.

I would like to share my whole process with you so that you can use it now in your practice.

Please check out my FREE ROADMAP AND VIDEO and then schedule a brief call to learn more.

Continuing Education Credits are available for therapists and coaches.

I have many tools to offer you that you can use with new or current clients – in person or online.

You can learn more HERE and get your FREE Roadmap now.

Help After Quarantine!

I hope that you and your family are doing well in this challenging time in our lives.

Are you finding that this quarantine is bringing out your best SELF— or is it creating difficulties in how you are communicating with the people you love?

Do you sometimes feel stuck, wishing that you had some alternatives for change? 

My individual and couples clients have felt these struggles, and I have helped them to heal and transform their relationships.

I offer you the same support and guidance that I have provided thousands of clients over the last 30 years as a therapist, mediator, attorney and author.

You took my Relationship Assessment a while ago, and it helped you take a look at your relationship and where it was at the time.

Whatever you decided about your relationship when you took the Assessment, I want to help you create the relationship you desire and deserve.

Whether you were:

  • happy enough and wishing your relationship could improve
  • feeling stuck and not sure what you want to do
  • contemplating or in the middle of a separation
  • going through a divorce,
  • or even past your divorce

I have a program to help make your relationship better now — Compassionate Mediation® Program.

In the Compassionate Mediation Program, you're going to get six hours of videos of all the information, counseling, and advice that I have shared with my clients.

They often pay me thousands of dollars over several sessions, but that's not what you need to do!

I'm offering this program at a VERY DISCOUNTED PRICE so that you can take advantage of it now.

And as soon as you sign up, you have access to all of the videos, all of the written materials, all of the assessments and templates and meditations available now.

You can watch them in a weekend. You can watch them in a day. You can take your time and watch them over and over again.

With each video and each moment of my support, you’re going to find a way to make your relationship better. You’re going to find a way to compassionately communicate,

  • Connect to your highest and best self.
  • Let go of your limiting beliefs and judgments about yourself and your partner.
  • Unburden pain from the past and
  • Relate from your heart.

As you do that, you're going to create a compassionate relationship, no matter what form it's going to take in the future.

And instead of thinking you're stuck, or you only have to stay or go, you're going to explore ALL your options for change.

And you're going to begin to make those changes.

It's going to help you understand your rights and finances to create a budget, to renegotiate roles and responsibilities.

And once you learn all that, whether your partner takes part in this program or not, you're going to have the skills to create a better relationship.

So check it out now. CompassionateMediationProgram.com

I hope to see you in there. 

It's a very discounted price, so that you can take advantage and listen to the six hours. 

Take as long as you want to learn all that you can.


There's also a bonus gift for signing up. . And there's a money back guarantee. Because if, after the orientation in the completion of the first module, you decide this isn't for you, you get your money back, but you also get to keep the bonus of the Love Summit.

The Love Summit has 16 tapes, transcripts of experts offering support, guidance, humor, wisdom on how to create better relationships.

So please check it out now, and I look forward to seeing you in the program.

Looking forward to connecting with you again soon.

All my best, 
P.S. For just $297, you can get started now! The cost of the program is going to go back up to $997, but I wanted to make it easy for you to say yes to yourself and your relationship today! Please check it out HERE.

Affiliate Invitation


I invite you to join with me and share the free gifts and the two programs that I'm offering now.

With all that's going on in the world — with all the difficulties in communication and all the strained and stressed relationships — I have two programs to be of help.

The first one is called the Compassionate Mediation® Program.

It's for individuals and couples to either add passion to their marriage or compassion to their divorce. I'd love for you to help me spread the word about that.

If you're interested, I give you a FREE Relationship Assessment that you can tell people about.

And then if anyone takes the Relationship Assessment and later takes my course on Compassionate Mediation Program, you'll get 30% of the cost of the course as my way of saying thank you.

The Compassionate Mediation Program, based on my book, is for individuals and couples who could use the help now.

It's a six hour program. It's evergreen which means it's always available.

And if you're interested, I'll send you copy that you can use to put on social media, to send out in an email, with a link with your name. And if someone that you send it to eventually buys the program, I'd love to thank you with a percentage of what the program costs.

So that's the Compassionate Mediation Program for individuals and couples.

The other program I’d love for you to share for me is my Compassionate Mediation® Training.

It is called Compassionate Mediation Tools For Your Practice Now. I send you a FREE ROADMAP and VIDEO that you can offer to a professional — a therapist, mediator, attorney, coach, clergy, counselor — someone who works with individuals and couples who could use this skill set.

And after they look at the free road map and the video, if they take my training, Compassionate Mediation Tools For Your Practice Now, you get 30% of that course.

And then eventually this fall, I'm going to be having the certification for professionals.

What I'm asking for now is for you to find out more about the relationship assessment that leads to the Compassionate Mediation Program and about the road map and video that lead to the Compassionate Mediation Training.

It's my fervent hope that we can reach as many people as possible with a message of SELF- leadership. And what I mean by self leadership — considering Dick Schwartz' work with Internal Family Systems — is when we come from our highest SELF, we are calm, clear, compassionate, courageous, confident, connected, caring. We need more SELF presence right now.

I want to help the individuals and couples to create the relationships they desire and deserve.

And I want to help the professionals reach as many people as possible with this process so that together, we can change the face of divorce and conflict in general, one heart at a time.

 Please join me. Check out my affiliate program and I look forward to staying connected.

All my best,

Compassionate Mediation® Invitation:


Communication can be difficult in the best of times, but no one has had a roadmap on how best to help clients in conflict.

Couples and families can use all the assistance we can give them and acquiring these “unique tools” for your therapeutic toolkit can help them – and you.

I am excited to share a transformational (IFS-based) training for relationship healing – Compassionate Mediation® – offering you techniques and materials you can use either in-person or online.

CLICK HERE to get a short FREE video introduction by Linda showing some tools of her Compassionate Mediation® process, plus a free Roadmap and a sampling of her book.

  • In his review of her book, Dick Schwartz said, “This is relationship healing at its best… Linda Kroll is a master at lifting couples out of their narrow perspectives…”

  • Compassionate Mediation® helps any relationship that needs healing – even if only one member of a couple learns these skills.

If this unique training opportunity is of interest, click here to learn more and get your free trainings.

You will gain expertise to help people heal themselves and their relationships.



 Linda Kroll, an IFS therapist, mediator, attorney, and Chopra-Certified teacher of meditation, yoga, and Ayurveda has created a program that covers emotional and spiritual healing along with financial and legal information and support.

Linda believes, “Families need not be broken, but can be peacefully and respectfully restructured.”

Now, more than ever – Linda’s process of SELF-led compassionate communication will help resolve conflict, heal old wounds, and foster relationship transformation.

Linda is the author of an award-winning book Compassionate Mediation® for Relationships at a Crossroads: How to Add Passion to Your Marriage or Compassion to Your Divorce and the Kindle book, “Compassionate Divorce™: Changing the Face of Divorce, One Heart at a Time. She is the Founder of the online Compassionate Communication Academy, where her six-hour online video series – Compassionate Mediation® Program – is available to help couples and individuals around the world.

Other IFS therapists who have participated in Linda’s trainings have said:

“Wow!! I love watching a therapist so competent in couples work! I will begin and merge concepts with my practice – especially with couples on the brink.”

“Thanks so much. This gives me a roadmap and framework for helping couples navigate their decision making in a way that honors and empowers both parties.

(Optional Note) I do not administer this course. I am an affiliate and support many of the products created. This means, if you choose to make a purchase, I will make a small commission.

"I’ve experienced significant improvements in my relationship with my husband and children."


"I learned there could be a Compassionate Divorce."


“We’re building an entirely new marriage.”


“Linda guided us mindfully through the impact of divorce."


“I came to Linda seeking mediated divorce documents and came out with nothing but peace and hope."


“I am breaking free from destructive patterns.”


“Linda helped me love all ‘Parts’ of my SELF!”


“With Linda’s caring guidance, I moved forward with peace and strength.”


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