My lifelong mission is to reach as many people as possible with the messages of self-love and compassion. Through awareness, higher consciousness, and empathy, I believe we can make the world a safer place from which to heal and transform our most intimate relationships. We can positively influence the lives of our children and create more peace, love, and joy in the world.

My primary philosophy is “Love is the answer, but it starts with loving your SELF.”

For over twenty years, I have taught my version of Compassionate Communication to help you connect to your highest and best SELF, let go of limiting beliefs, heal burdens from your past, and relate from your heart. Compassionate Communication helps you create more authentic, kind, and empathetic relationships.

I combine psychology and spirituality, along with financial and legal information, to offer a complete resource for relationship healing and transformation.

I have the honor of being recognized as an expert in psychotherapy, mediation, and spiritual counseling. My trademarked systems of Compassionate Mediation® and SELF-Led Divorce® have helped thousands of couples who were at a crossroads in their relationships. They have been able to heal and transform their relationships from their highest and best SELF.

I also offer training programs for therapists, mediators, attorneys, clergy and coaches to apply these unique systems to their own practice.

In February, 2016, my book — Compassionate Mediation® for Relationships at a Crossroads: Add Passionto Your Marriage or Compassion to Your Divorce — became an instant Amazon International Best Seller. Together we can change the face of divorce, one heart at a time.

I am one of only 300 Master Teachers in the world trained by Deepak Chopra, davidji, David Simon, and Claire Diab and the other wonderful teachers at Chopra Center University (CCU).  I was a featured guest on their monthly webinar series, where I taught my innovative technique of  Compassionate Communication, a method of merging one’s higher consciousness with an emotionally unburdened “SELF.”

Under the fifteen-year tutelage of Richard Schwartz, (founder of Internal Family System Therapy or IFS, a model and practice for developing self-love,) I have trained other IFS therapists and have been a presenter at the IFS International Conferences.

As a lifelong learner and teacher, I have studied a number of therapeutic emotional tools including Level Two Reiki, Hypnotherapy, Holographic Memory Resolution, and EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), and has have completed dozens of workshops with renowned personal and spiritual growth leaders, most recently with the joyful and gifted creative team of SARK (Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy) and Dr. John Waddell.

Linda in 30 Seconds:

Love is the answer – and it starts with loving your SELF.

I’m passionate about helping individuals and couples become more loving and compassionate with themselves and each other.

I love the look of awareness (and relief) when forgiveness and healing happen as an individual aligns with his or her own beautiful SELF.

I believe all experiences are opportunities for personal and spiritual growth.

I think we are all Angels and Guides for each other.

I know families need not be “broken”, but can be peacefully and respectfully “re-structured.”

I am inspired by all my clients who have the courage to be vulnerable, the strength to be authentic, and the wisdom to learn from their past.

I am moved and humbled by the blessings I have experienced.

I am grateful for everyone and everything — especially my children and grandchildren — and the love I share with family, friends, and all the connections I treasure.

Some more info

I attended University of Wisconsin, (BA in Psychology, Phi Beta Kappa), Northwestern Law School (Juris Doctorate), and National Louis University (Masters in Counseling) to become a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (LCPC). I became a Certified Mediator in 2000, and a Chopra Certified Master Teacher in 2012.

In 2004, I began offering Compassionate Mediation®. You can learn more about it here.

In 2010, my dear friend and colleague, Ellen Katz, LMFT, and I founded Inner Balance where we each offered free monthly groups. I facilitated HeartCentered Connections, and Ellen still provides free guided meditations on the Third Tuesday of each month. (

I love speaking to groups to help people to remember how divine they truly are.

In February, 2014, I invited 20 worldwide luminaries to join me on The Love Summit 2014 – Creating Passion, Connection and FUN!  Their shared knowledge, wisdom and inspiration are still all available at

Personally, I love spending time with family and friends. I love to dance, take photos, write, and connect, and I’ve very grateful that you’ve read this far!

For the Press

Short Bio:

Linda Kroll, JD, LCPC, is a therapist, mediator, attorney, and Chopra Certified Master Teacher of meditation, yoga, and Ayurveda. She is a spiritual seeker, who is passionate about healing relationships.

Linda is on a mission to merge psychotherapy and spirituality and change the face of divorce. Her goal is to facilitate the emotional and financial health of each party and also to heal the re-structured family.

Linda combines SELF-leadership with higher self awareness to help individuals and couples heal pain from the past, let go of limiting beliefs, connect to their spiritual source, and relate from their highest and best SELF.

As the Founder of Compassionate Communication, Inc., her Compassionate Mediation® program has helped thousands heal and transform their relationships to create either a new and improved marriage or a compassionate SELF-led Divorce®.

She lives in the Chicago area, near her children and grandchildren. You can read her blog and learn more here.

Long Bio:

Ever since I was a young girl, I wanted to help people “talk nicer to each other.” I married my college sweetheart, had two miraculous daughters, and put my law degree on hold as I stayed home to raise them.

When my marriage was header towards divorce, I became a mediator, and later went back to school to become a therapist. I have used all three skills to create a system of Compassionate Communication that I have taught to thousands of individuals, couples, families and groups for over two decades.

I later incorporated the teachings of higher consciousness, present moment awareness, meditation, yoga and Ayurveda (with Deepak Chopra, David Simon, Davidji, Claire Diab) into my personal and professional life.

I realized that if individuals and couples would put as much focus and effort on communicating clearly about their feelings and needs, there would be much less divorce. If they could use the skills of Compassionate Communication to relate with honesty and empathy, they could explore their options in Compassionate Mediation®, and choose their path with more (higher) SELF leadership.

If divorce became their decision, they could create a SELF-led Divorce® that would heal the past and pave the way for a peaceful and respectful future.

After years of private practice, my goal is to reach and serve more people led to the creation of my first book — Compassionate Mediation® for Relationships at a Crossroads: Add Passion to Your Marriage orCompassion to Your Divorce — and  programs and products online.

I believe we can all make the world better a better place by relating from our heart and our highest and best SELF. Let’s do it together.


"I’ve experienced significant improvements in my relationship with my husband and children."


"I learned there could be a Compassionate Divorce."


“We’re building an entirely new marriage.”


“Linda guided us mindfully through the impact of divorce."


“I came to Linda seeking mediated divorce documents and came out with nothing but peace and hope."


“I am breaking free from destructive patterns.”


“Linda helped me love all ‘Parts’ of my SELF!”


“With Linda’s caring guidance, I moved forward with peace and strength.”
