
What Other Professionals Have Said

Compassionate Mediation® Coaching Certification

It has been an incredible experience going through the Compassionate Mediation® training.

I am truly grateful for the space you and the other women created, and for the opportunity to be a part of this.

Your teachings and guidance have helped me in ways I am aware of already – and I also believe in ways I have yet to discover!

Your bright energy is so amazing and healing.

As this six months of shared time in life’s journey is approaching, I am aware of transformations taking place in myself as I connect with parts of my system and heal some of the wounds my younger parts have been carrying.

I thank you for your support and guidance along the way.

With much love.

I am grateful for you!

Linda lives and operates from a liberated heart. 

And she wants nothing more than others to be able to do the same. Her depth comes from transmuting devastating adversity into heart-earned knowledge and wisdom.  Her students are fortunate to learn the distillation of so much experience through her courses and coaching.

Linda is a total package – she has and shares a ton of experience, resources and content AND she does it with such joy, humor, commitment, ease, humility, and compassion. Andrea Nagel

Linda deeply embodies what she teaches.

She creates a sacred space for her students to come together and learn and experience Compassionate Mediation. Her authenticity and generous spirit inspires her students to tap into their best self.

I have been in the mental health field for over 35 years, and am profoundly moved by the depth and breadth of Linda’s knowledge, her experience, and the resources that she has offered me.

She is a gifted teacher, practitioner and human being who is dedicated to sharing her gifts with others.

The way she embodies her teachings paves the way for her students and colleagues to expand and grow and prepares us to in turn help others see a greater truth of who they are.  Carmen Dominquez

I recently participated in Linda Kroll’s Compassionate Mediation coaching program, and it was a truly transformative experience.

Linda was knowledgeable and supportive and provided lessons in easily digestible ways making it easy to learn the material.

Throughout the program, I gained a deeper understanding of how we could use Linda’s methodology of Compassionate Mediation not only with couples who might be considering divorce but also anywhere two people are in a relationship, which is to say, everywhere.

Linda was always available to answer questions, offer guidance, and provide encouragement. I felt she truly cared about my growth and success.

I highly recommend Linda and her Compassionate Mediation process.  Website:

Completing the Level 1 Compassionate Mediation Certification has been an absolute joy.

Linda has so much wisdom to share and she does it in a very caring, loving way that creates a safe container in which to practice the skills while also undergoing deep reflection and creating a beautiful bond with Linda and the other students.

Something I enjoyed and admired was the enormous amount of resources available to the participants.

The space created by you Linda and all the participants was so very welcoming and open with what people could contribute. Hugs and gratitude to all Mary

Linda is really good at getting to the bottom of communication.

Her best ability is that she is firm, yet compassionate. My favorite part of the training is the Miracle of Empathy. Linda is persistent and allowed us lots of practice in learning the skills. Yasmeen Khan, Psy.D.

Compassionate Mediation® Training


(Thanks to Shobha,

I have been doing this work for 10 years. Your two hours just made me a better therapist for my couples. They and their families – future and present – thank you too!!”

“Thank you! I am so inspired both for professional reasons and personal :-)”

“Wow!! I love watching a therapist so competent in couples work! I will begin – merge concepts with my therapy as a Certified Gottman Couples Therapist (CGT) – especially with couples on the brink.”

“Your creativity, energy, enthusiasm, expertise, and compassion are astounding. I am inspired to try to develop some of the skill you have demonstrated here today.” 

“Linda, thank you for a clear, concise, and loving presentation. I have always shied away from couples counseling because of all the conflict. Your program gives me great hope for working with couples!”  

“This session gave me hope for my marriage and ability to help clients who are stuck and trying to decide whether or not to leave.  

“I was expansive for me to observe the confidence with which you use the IFS model.”

“I struggle with having confidence to introduce IFS despite believing in the IFS process after having benefited from it.”

“Thanks so much. This gives me a roadmap and framework for helping couples navigate their decision making in a way that honors and empowers both parties.”

What Linda’s Clients Say:

I’ve experienced significant improvements in my relationship with my husband and children.”  

“When you’re stuck or unhappy in your closest relationships, it’s easy to lose faith in yourself and in life. Linda helped me to regain that trust. Even though my family was unwilling to participate in the process, Linda taught me new ways to approach old patterns…I’ve experienced significant improvements in my relationship with my husband and children. I was enduring a contentious marriage and now both of us have reached a place of reconciliation. For me, this is the key: Linda guides you to re-frame your story with compassion for yourself AND all your significant relationships, even the most difficult and hurtful. Thank you with all my heart, Linda!” –Mary “  

“I learned there could be a Compassionate Divorce.”  

“I imagine that working with me and my spouse was quite challenging as we both brought a lot with us while dealing with intense life issues. Once the difficult decisions were further along, there was space to let concepts into my mind and heart of empathy and compassion. Linda always seemed to maintain an ability to stay above the fray, and she taught me how to come from my Highest Self. I feel that I understood the meaning of Highest Self immediately, yet before being introduced to that concept by Linda, I don’t think that I operated from that place often enough. I am now am working toward living my best life, from my Highest Self, looking for good things for myself, my newly structured family, and for the greater good in my business and personal life.” -Paul

“We’re building an entirely new marriage.”  

“I resisted leaving for years with two young kids and limited finances, the idea of leaving felt almost as bad as staying. By the end of our first session, we were able to strip away some of the old resentments and junk to have a glimpse of the person we fell in love with all those years ago. After a few short months, we are no longer thinking of ending our marriage. Linda is helping us build an entirely new marriage. She is a Godsend and is helping me to love myself, love my husband, and love my life. What a treasure.”–Liz

“Linda guided us mindfully through the impact of divorce.”  

“My (former) husband and I owned a business together and worked together every day. We wanted to dissolve our marriage but not lose our company in the process. Linda helped us sort out the dysfunctional parts of the relationship from the parts of our relationship that still worked and we wanted to retain, allowing us to continue to work together, successfully, for years. She helped us separate from each other in a mutually respectable way so that I could move past my anger and disappointment in the failed relationship.

She also helped us stay focused on what was really important: our 3 year old child, making him the center of most of our decisions, asking ourselves what was best for him as we wrote our joint parenting agreement. When our son attended a group for kids of divorced parents at his school, they thought he was fantasizing when he told the counselor his parents worked together every day. Not only was Linda able to guide and advise us mindfully through the psychological and physical impact of divorce, but also the legal aspects, helping us as she wrote our divorce decree to suit our needs.” —Gina

“I came to Linda seeking mediated divorce documents and came out with nothing but peace and hope.”  

“Linda’s unwavering pursuit of compassion and dogged exploration into the emotional history of both our lives was incredibly revelatory. I came to understand how little I understood myself emotionally as well as how much pain I had suppressed, hidden, or avoided. I was able then to see my wife as a person to be respected, instead of a problem to be solved, and now am party to perhaps the best divorce the world has seen. My relationship with my ex-wife now is better than it ever was when we were married. Our child has performed a full reversal of negative behaviors to become a desired friend, colleague, and leader in her social circles.” –Jeremy

“I am breaking free from destructive patterns.”  

“In just one session with Linda Kroll, I gained insight into a stumbling block in my relationship that I thought was impassable. Her clarity and intelligence cut through my defenses allowing me to see the ways in which I was sabotaging myself. She is a serious and effective therapist who continues to give me the courage to face my painful past and the tools to break free from destructive patterns. I am very grateful for her presence in my life and awed by her extraordinary skill. ” –Carol

“Linda helped me love all ‘Parts’ of my SELF!”  

Entering my 50’s, my roles as a mother, wife, daughter, sister, and SELF, were challenging and exciting.  I was looking for balance, and a stronger validation of SELF. I wanted to maintain my roles from a place of truth, and balance. Linda guided me; bringing all my parts to the table, and helped me  to separate, change, love and validate them all.

 Linda has a gigantic tool box. Her ability to pick the proper tools at the proper moments was ingenious.  I have experienced  Linda in groups and alone.  Both proved to be invaluable .  Climbing up the mountain with Linda’s’ guidance, and being able to see what was in front of me gave me a sense of clarity,  and peace. 

 Linda’s many tools including, therapy, meditation, guided imagery, yoga, her life experiences, in addition to her compassion created a nurturing  and organic environment to continue on my path.

Online Compassionate Mediation® Program Participants

“I was astonished that our communication had improved that much.”

When I started Linda Kroll’s Compassionate Mediation Program I was familiar with the words used in the description and I thought I had “been there, done that,” but I was interested in how she would present the program, so I joined.

What a surprise. By the second module, I sensed a change in my perception concerning the difficulties in communication with a loved one. Our arguments diminished. By the end of the program, I reported to Linda that a potential, typical dispute didn’t happen because we both had made changes in how we related to each other. I was astonished that our communication had improved that much.

Linda’s leadership included not only explanations, but demonstrations with props that increased my understanding of what happens in conflicts. I had heard the words before taking the program, but now they have new significance and I’ve internalized the concepts to produce a happier relationship.

“Reinvent my story?   How is that possible after 25 years of marriage?”

We have raised two children, have a home and careers. What more is there to do? Do I have the energy to do more? How do I stop telling myself my old story full of limitations and judgment?   How do I begin to start even imagining and ultimately working up the courage to ask for something to change? Something I want! Something I need!

The answer is … You quietly “invite yourself” to just “consider” something different. It is then your mind and world opens up and you realize can be the architect of your life.

I am reinventing my story with the love, wisdom and never ending compassion Linda both exudes, lives and teaches. I have been a client of hers for seven years for support on a weekly basis. I first went to her because I spent years as a wife and mother bending myself into a pretzel to make others “happy,” to not make waves and smooth everything over. Eventually all my debilitating contortions could no longer keep the facade of peace, I lost control of the household. Chaos ruled, relationships suffered and all of us were walking on egg shells.

Writing this, I realize how much I have learned about myself. Most learning was through a waterfall of tears but some was as I transitioned from tears to laughter.

“Linda’s teachings saved the demise of my family.”

I was able to show my husband that although our marriage was ending, we did not have to destroy everything.  We would always be a family, we would just look different.  That we had the power to make our divorce ours, with the same compassion and love that brought us together.

That by removing the stress, disappointment, anger, resentment etc of the marriage away from all of us (he, me, kids) we could all show up as our BEST selves…not only for the kids, but for us too.

I was able to end my marriage with dignity and grace.  If we conduct ourselves with good intentions, then other people tend to go towards that light. 

I urge you that no matter where you are in your relationship that you work with Linda.  If you are happy with some issues, uncomfortable with major issues, have one or both feet out the door, or even at the very beginning of your relationship, do whatever you can to learn teachings from Linda, you will thank your lucky stars that you did.

Linda—-I will forever be grateful that the universe brought you into my life.  My family and I simply would not be where we are without YOU.”

“Her class single-handedly changed the course of my divorce.”

“How does one even begin to explain how talented, generous, gracious, loving and kind Linda Kroll is?  Well, I will give it a shot.

You see, it was all going wrong, very bad.  I could not wrap my head around the fact that we were destroying our family and bringing more trauma to my kids, to me and to my spouse.

Linda’s teachings and listening saved the demise of my family.  She shared a sacred occurrence that she had experienced, I took that lesson and personalized it to my family.  With that I was able to basically take a terrible situation, right the course and save the future from the terrible path we had originally been heading.

You see, I was able to show my husband that although our marriage was ending, we did not have to destroy everything.  We would always be a family, we would just look different.  That we had the power to make our divorce ours, with the same compassion and love that brought us together.

That by removing the stress, disappointment, anger, resentment etc of the marriage away from all of us (he, me, kids) we could all show up as our BEST selves…not only for the kids, but for us too.

We would always be a family, we would just now look and operate differently.  We had an empty canvas to create what we wanted the future to look like…we could fill it with love and compassion or hatred and animosity.  After a couple of meaningful discussions we choose to move forward with the love and compassion.

Was this easy?  Heck no!  It took dedication, prayer (I mean more prayers than I have ever done) but you know what?  I did it.  You know why?  I was fighting for my family.  For all FOUR of us.

I could not end this marriage to a man I had been with for 14 years, had 2 kids and shared countless good and bad experiences with hatred and disdain. It did not feel right.  With the guidance of Linda, her continued support, her gift of her spirit, I was able to end my marriage with dignity and grace.  If we conduct ourselves with good intentions, then other people tend to go towards that light. 

I urge you that no matter where you are in your relationship that you work with Linda.  If you are happy with some issues, uncomfortable with major issues, have one or both feet out the door, or even at the very beginning of your relationship, do whatever you can to learn teachings from Linda, you will thank your lucky stars that you did.

Linda—-I will forever be grateful that the universe brought you into my life.  My family and I simply would not be where we are without YOU.”

“Thank you so much for this program. I am so appreciative because it did make a big difference in my relationship.”

It is very valuable.  I can imagine how difficult your message is for people in the midst of a divorce, which I’m not thankfully. I just want to be happier with less arguments. And I feel I’ve made huge growth in getting to a better place. But even those in the midst your message of compassion is very important and your delivery in the course must be influential. I love the way you’ve organized the program, it’s easy to maneuver and pleasant to be there. Videos are great too. Excellent job, well worth all your efforts.

Reviews of Linda’s Book
Compassionate Mediation® For Relationships at a Crossroads: Add Passion to Your Marriage or Compassion to Your Divorce

5.0 out of 5 stars This is an excellent choice if you are wondering is my relationship over …

This is an excellent choice if you are wondering is my relationship over or should I keep trying? As a relationship counselor I meet many couples with just this question.
This is the perfect book for those couples struggling with the question of whether to stay and work at improving their relationship or leave and close down this chapter of their life.

The insights and guidance in this book are well founded drawn from humanistic psychology practices and research as well as Linda’s personal and professional experiences and spirituality.

Because this is such a big life decision couples often worry if they have done all that they can do before leaving their relationship. Using this book as a guide you are directed to turn inward towards yourself and get to know your needs and how to have a compassionate inner dialogue first. Then you are shown how to step back to meeting your partner in ways that speak for your needs calmly with connection to your self and your partner.

From this book you will learn ways to connect with your qualities of calm compassion and be more Self-led in your choices. In this way of relating, it becomes clearer if you can re-ignite your relationship or if it would be best to move into dissolving the relationship.

If you find you cannot create a new relationship with your partner ways are demonstrates to reduce your stress and make your decision from a caring compassionate place for yourself and others.
She introduces some excellent strategies to ground you and instill calm and confidence as well as questions to guide you in the divorce process. With diminished stress and conflict more meaningful and compassion conversations will co create a future where you both thrive.

Linda Kroll presented professional and appropriate guidance that was very clear and compassionate in itself.

Linda has a very spiritual approach for mediating relationships. Plus she includes practical guidance for people who find themselves in specific situations in their relationships. Her sources are first rate and trending for this time. I read through it easily and quickly and recommend it highly to everyone who has ever had a bump in their relationship road, whether it be a tiny molehill or a gigantic mountain.


Pick this up if you are having marriage or relationship troubles

Linda draws on legal, psychological and spiritual sources which may be new or familiar to readers. And so, she sets the stage for her method of approaching this life crisis with respect and compassion for all involved. In the core of the book, Linda explains her steps to crafting a peaceful, constructive, and healing process of either reconciliation or divorce and how to navigate the consequences of either decision. A great book to read in tandem with “Conscious Uncoupling” by Katherine Woodward

Compassion is the key ingredient’s in all relationships!

Linda Kroll gets right down to business with a guide that will inspire and encourage healing and wholeness in your marriage and yourself as a single person of divorce.

5.0 out of 5 stars Refreshingly helpful and wise!

Ahhhhh ! This book is a breath of fresh air in the business of mediation and divorce. Finally something worth reading. Gave me practical tools for bringing higher consciousness, mindfulness, SELF-leadership, and loving-kindness to relationship healing.

3 people found this helpful

5.0 out of 5 stars Thank you Linda for this beautiful gift. You are changing lives and I believe ...

This book is a blessing. It is a refreshing approach not only to those considering or going through divorce but to all relationships and especially the relationship you have with yourself. Thank you Linda for this beautiful gift. You are changing lives and I believe in the long run changing the worlds outlook about divorce.
One person found this helpful

5.0 out of 5 stars Finally–the missing ingredients!

This is a must read for anyone who wants to get meaningful insight and tools to move forward feeling relief, peace of mind and joy. Transformative.

5.0 out of 5 stars A Must Read

A phenomenal guide! Thoughtful, helpful, easy to read book that provides the tools you need to communicate with your partner.


5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent Resource

Great author. She is the “Real Deal”. Very compassionate in person and in her authenticity. HIghly suggested reading for anyone facing the divorce process of working with those going through it.

5.0 out of 5 stars Compassion and caring abound in Linda Kroll’s new book about relationships. Highly recommended!

Everyone can benefit from the kindness found in this book. Relationships are truly the core of life, and navigating them is one of life’s biggest challenges. Linda Kroll provides a roadmap to help readers do just that. I found this book to be one of the most insightful I have ever read and highly recommend it to others.
This is the best. I read this as someone who whas been affected by both Marriage and Divirce (both twice.) Wish I had read Linda’s book and advice before all the grief. Linda, you’re now a blessing to all us singles who want to avoid the grief of marriage/divorce. Thank you!

5.0 out of 5 stars A therapist and divorcee offers rave review for Compassionate Mediation!

Linda Kroll has nailed it! She has compiled her wealth of knowledge, insight and wisdom in an easy to read volume. Those struggling with a relationship dilemma are going to find this book very, very worthwhile!

5.0 out of 5 stars Compassionate Mediation is a “must read!”

Heartfelt, wise, clear and inspiring! Linda Kroll’s Compassionate Mediation will help with every relationship in your life! This book is most definitely a “must read,” it’s a life-changer…

Reviews of Kindle Book:
Compassionate Divorce™:
Changing the Face of Divorce, One Heart at a Time

A Compassionate Divorce is possible! We don’t have to hate the person we married just because it isn’t working out for us together anymore. For our children’s sakes, and for our own, we owe it to ourselves to learn how to communicate better than we have before.

Linda Kroll shares her personal story of love and loss as well as her professional expertise as a therapist, mediator and attorney. She reminds us that we are both hurt, sad, and scared, no matter how angry, guilty, or reactive we feel.

Once we have compassion for ourselves, we can offer more compassion to our partner, and from a higher perspective, create a new beginning as a “re-structured family.” Thank you, Linda, for lighting the way for a better way to resolve conflict, and to heal wounds from the past. This should be required reading for anyone considering a divorce!

Linda Kroll is a therapist, mediator and attorney, as well as a Chopra certified master teacher of meditation, yoga and perfect health. She brings all of her skills, plus her personal story of love and divorce, to her process of Compassionate Mediation® leading to a Compassionate Divorce™. At first it doesn’t make sense, because if we could be compassionate, we could stay together. (And some people can start over with this process and stay together and create a better marriage.) But if you’re getting a divorce, or past a divorce, not sure what you want to do, read this book to remind yourself that you can have a kinder, gentler parting and make decisions from what Linda calls your highest and best SELF. This should be required reading for anyone considering a divorce!

Wow, finally a book on divorce that isn’t all about aggression and fighting. Even if you’re the only one to recognize that a better divorce is possible, you can make it happen. No need to get locked in battles or spend the rest of your lives avoiding someone who is the other parent of your children. Find a way to communicate that fosters a better connection than the one you are leaving. Do yourself a favor and read this book and heal your heart even as you divorce.

Linda Kroll has been helping individuals and couples for over 25 years. In this interactive book – with links to free gifts and free videos – she offers her perspective and guidance on creating a better way to end a marriage. I wish I could have shared her wisdom with many friends who have suffered from a typical divorce. This book makes a great gift for someone you know who is struggling with indecision, caught in a typical adversarial and costly divorce, or who is long past their divorce and wants to have a better relationship with their “ex”. It’s possible with Compassionate Mediation® and Compassionate Divorce™.

"I’ve experienced significant improvements in my relationship with my husband and children."


"I learned there could be a Compassionate Divorce."


“We’re building an entirely new marriage.”


“Linda guided us mindfully through the impact of divorce."


“I came to Linda seeking mediated divorce documents and came out with nothing but peace and hope."


“I am breaking free from destructive patterns.”


“Linda helped me love all ‘Parts’ of my SELF!”


“With Linda’s caring guidance, I moved forward with peace and strength.”
