Compassionate Mediation Program

Hi, it's Linda. 

You took the Relationship Assessment a while ago, and it helped you take a look at your relationship and where it is right now. 

And that may have even been before all of the world was turned upside down. 

I want to offer you a program to make your relationship better. 

Whatever you decided when you were looking at how much self-leadership you had and what you understood about your finances and how confident you are in your ability to communicate —wherever you were when you first took the Relationship Assessment, I want to help you create the relationship you desire and deserve. 

And I want to do that by offering you my Compassionate Mediation Program.

In the Compassionate Mediation Program, you're going to get six hours of what I tell people individually. And often they pay me thousands of dollars for that, but I‘m offering this program at a very discounted price, so that you can take advantage of it now.

And as soon as you sign up, you have access to all of the videos, all of the written materials, all of the assessments and templates and meditations available now.

You can watch them in a weekend. You can watch them in a day. You can take your time and watch them over and over again. 

But with each video and each moment of my support, you’re going to find a way to make your relationship better. You’re going to find a way to compassionately communicate, 

  • Connect to your highest and best self.
  • Let go of your limiting beliefs and judgments about yourself and your partner. 
  • Unburden pain from the past and 
  • Relate from your heart.

As you do that, you're going to create a compassionate relationship, no matter what form it's going to take in the future. 

And instead of thinking you're stuck, or you only have to stay or go, or make up those two choices, you're going to explore all your options for change.

And you're going to begin to make those changes.

It's going to help you understand your rights and finances to create a budget, to renegotiate roles and responsibilities.

And once you learn all that, whether your partner takes part in this program or not, once you learn all that, you're going to have the skills to create a better relationship. 

So check it out now. 

I hope to see you in there. It's a very discounted price, so that you can take advantage and listen to the six hours. Take as long as you want.


There's also a bonus gift for signing up. But in the meantime… And there's a money back guarantee. Because if, after the orientation in the first module, you figure out this isn't for you, you get your money back, but you also get to keep the bonus of the Love Summit. 

The Love Summit has 16 tapes, transcripts of experts offering support, guidance, humor, wisdom on how to create better relationships. 

So please check it out now, and I look forward to seeing you in the program. Bye for now.

Help for Individuals and Couples Now

Help for Individuals and Couples Now

During this time of stress and uncertainty, relationships can be strained to their limits.

I want to share with you my proven transformational process for relationship healing – Compassionate Mediation®

I’ll provide you with methods, strategies, and handouts I’ve used successfully with thousands of individuals and couples for over 35 years.

As a therapist, mediator, attorney, and Chopra-Certified teacher of meditation, yoga, and Ayurveda, I have created a process that covers emotional and spiritual healing along with financial and legal information and support.

  • I am offering a FREE short VIDEO introduction along with a FREE step-by-step ROADMAP of the whole Compassionate Mediation® Coaching process — so you can see how much the information and materials provided can help you to better serve your clients.
  • You can increase your expertise, impact and income as you share these invaluable tools.

Compassionate Mediation® is NOT just for individuals or couples considering divorce. This process works with clients who aren’t worried about leaving, but want to improve their relationship with SELF-led communication.

Any relationship that needs healing or transformation will benefit — even if only one member of the relationship learns these skills.

Sometimes the willingness to consider what an ending may look like provides the impetus to create a new beginning together.

Families need not be broken, but can peacefully and respectfully restructured.

Together, we can improve relationships – and even change the face of divorce – one heart at a time.

Please join me and check out how Compassionate Mediation® can help now!

Please join me!

I’m very excited to start my program on Compassionate Mediation® Tools for Your Practice Now on soon.

It's going to be a personalized group, in which I get to know you individually and I can offer my support over the next three months.

I hope you can jump in and join us — even if you're on the fence  — because there's so much to gain and nothing to lose.

I created this process merging IFS with my background as a mediator and attorney, and Chopra Certified teacher of meditation, yoga, and Ayurveda.

The tools I share with you combine emotional and spiritual healing, along with legal and financial information. You can help your individual or couples clients to add passion to their marriage or compassion to their divorce and heal from the trauma of this pandemic.

There's a no-risk money back guarantee, so if after the first session you think it's not for you, I'll give your money back. And in the meantime, you'll get to keep all the bonuses that I've offered. (See below)

Compassionate Mediation® is not just for people who are thinking of divorce. It's a process that you can use with an individual or a couple who is having conflict in their relationship. It gives you the tools to help you help them:

  • ·      be their best self
  • ·      foster a compassionate relationship with their partner now
  • ·      explore their options
  • ·      understand their rights and finances
  • ·      and then create a relationship they truly desire and deserve.

I merge IFS with higher consciousness and add in legal and financial information. If you are a therapist or coach, you can receive 5 Continuing Education Credits.

Here’s what you’ll receive:

  • 3 Live 90 minute sessions on zoom
  • 3 live Q&A sessions over the next 3 months
  • 3 month in private Facebook group for mentoring and support.
  • 5 Continuing Education Credits available for therapists and coaches

PLUS you get these bonuses just for signing up!

  1.  Initial Interview Template: I'm sure you have your own process, but this unique outline gives you the framework for knowing what to ask in what order to make immediate and deep connections to your clients, their parts, their partner's parts, and their enhanced SELF-leadership. You get an in-depth overview and your clients get an immediate appreciation of SELF and Parts.
  2. .Miracle of Empathy Handout: Your clients will feel compassion for their own feelings and also their partner's. Using “I” messages and speaking “for” their exiles, their parts release the need to be defensive, blaming or judgmental. I have used this handout with my individual and couples clients to help foster a better connection, no matter what the future holds.
  3.   What Your Clients Should Know about Divorce Audio and E-book: My 30-minute Audio and E-book offer information for you and your clients. They include legal and financial information, available options for your clients, and how to provide counseling and support, along with a relaxation meditation.
  4.  Budget Form to Share: You can help your clients become more informed, clear and confident about their financial situation as they create a new relationship with respect.

And remember you have a No-Risk Money-back Guarantee!

(First Name), the LIVE course starts soon, and I would love to have you join me.

All my best,


P.S. Many of your colleagues will be joining this course. It’s a great opportunity to network and share your skills and expertise with others who can refer and support you.

We are starting the course on soon. Please join us!

I’ll Meet You There

As our current life situations create opportunities for reconciliation, I am inspired by, and grateful to Rumi, who said:

“Out beyond ideas of wrong-doing and right-doing there is a field. I'll meet you there.”

Sending love to all and sharing my own meditation today:

There is a place beyond doing and not doing, and I'll meet you there.
We will just be at peace, receptive, open, present, grateful, joy-filled, loving,
and all you have to do to get there is to breathe.

Any thoughts that arise can pass gently
as you allow yourself to meet the universe and be part of it
without needing to make any changes.

Just accept what is.

Allow yourself to feel.
Allow yourself to share.
Allow yourself to authentically show up
moment by moment.

It's the best version of yourself.

There is a field beyond doing and not doing,
and I'll meet you there.

"I’ve experienced significant improvements in my relationship with my husband and children."


"I learned there could be a Compassionate Divorce."


“We’re building an entirely new marriage.”


“Linda guided us mindfully through the impact of divorce."


“I came to Linda seeking mediated divorce documents and came out with nothing but peace and hope."


“I am breaking free from destructive patterns.”


“Linda helped me love all ‘Parts’ of my SELF!”


“With Linda’s caring guidance, I moved forward with peace and strength.”


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