

Just stopping by to invite you to take a deep breath and relax. Can you just relax for 10 seconds? Here we go. 10 seconds. That's all it takes to reset.

So when you're feeling tense or tired, or you have some issues that you're grappling with, just breathe for even 10 seconds and you can pay attention to what you're feeling and the energy can shift.

So I'm wishing for you more joy, more love, more light and more relaxation. So take a breath, reset, and then go about your day feeling better.


New World of CC

Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could all communicate compassionately? It's a skill we can learn – and SHARE!

Click HERE to get your FREE Compassionate Communication Care Kit –– with a free guided meditation to be your best SELF, a short video introduction to the process, a relationship assessment to begin to make positive changes, and roadmap for healthy conflict resolution. 

And CLICK HERE to learn more JOIN ME in my upcoming LIVE class on 6 Keys to Improve ALL Your Relationships



Welcome to the new Compassionate Communication and Compassionate Mediation Community.

Whether you're here for your personal use — to learn how to relate better to the people in your lives — or whether you're a professional, (a therapist, mediator, attorney, coach, or clergy) who would like to learn how to offer Compassionate Mediation® and help your clients learn more compassionate communication…

Whether you're here for your personal growth or professional growth, I'm glad you're here.

I'd like to offer tips each week on how you can learn to communicate from your highest and best self and help your clients do the same.

First, I'd like to offer you a free gift — Compassionate Communication Care Kit

Just go to and sign up and get your care kit that will give you

  1. a guided meditation to get to your best self
  2. a relationship assessment to begin to make changes in your relationships today,
  3. a four-minute video explaining what compassionate communication is
  4.  a roadmap to my Compassionate Mediation® process that you can use for your personal use or your professional use.

Please get your free care kit today and begin to take about 15 minutes to change your relationships starting now.

Join Me in my Live Online Course Compassionate Communication: Six Keys to Improve All Your Relationships.

What you're going to do — in just four weeks is to:

  • be your best self in all your relationships
  • let go of your limiting judgments and beliefs that keep you stuck
  •  unburden the pain from the past that you don't need to carry anymore
  • and relate from your heart.

Please join me in whatever capacity you'd like:

Get your free care kit.

Join me in the upcoming course

and please connect with me in the Facebook group.,

I'm going to be doing some Facebook Lives, and I really would like to get to know you personally.

Whether you're here professionally or personally, I want to be of help, and I look forward to connecting with you soon.

Take good care.

6 Keys Course

6 Keys Course

I offer you SIX KEYS to begin to improve all your relationships today!

You can see how applying these Keys will help you create the relationships you truly desire and deserve.

Key Number One: Lower Your Walls.

What does that mean?

Think of a troubling relationship that you have with someone right now.

It might be a partner. It might be someone at work. It might be your child. It might be your parent.

Recognize what are the walls that you've put up around your heart to protect yourself from being hurt by this person?

And what story are you telling yourself about this person, about how you're being treated, about the relationship, about them?

Do you see yourself as a victim in some way?

And how are you managing that? How are you defending yourself? Are you angry? Are you withholding, are you shut down or are you resigned?

What do you need to feel safe to lower your walls?

That's Key Number One.


What does that mean?

What are the judgments that you're telling yourself about this other person? 

They always do this. They never do that.”

What are the judgments you're telling yourself about yourself — that you “could have done better, you should have left sooner, or you shouldn't talk to them anymore, or you're being too weak.”

What are you telling yourself? And how open are you to changing those filters and changing those judgments.

Offer yourself a new perspective.: #1  lower your walls. #2: change your filters.

Key Number Three is to FORGIVE YOURSELF.

Forgiving yourself is sometimes hard to do.

You've done the best you knew how to do. If you knew how to do better, you would've done better. And considering your family of origin, considering your upbringing, considering the experiences you've had up until now, you've done the best you knew how to do.

And so has this other person.

As you forgive yourself, you're going to have more room to forgive the other person.

You can lower your walls. You'll change your filters. You forgive yourself and eventually the other person. 

Key Number Four is to STAY in the PRESENT.

 And what does that mean?

It means you stop living in the past. You stop letting what's happening in the moment, trigger memories of the past. And also you stop projecting into the future that the way the past relationship has been is that it's always going to be this way. 

So stay in the present moment and you'll have much more opportunities to make change.

 if it's so if it's not okay in the end, it's not the end. 

So keep on keeping on. To recap briefly again:  #1 lower your walls, #2 change your filters, #3 forgive yourself, #4stay in the present. 

Key Number Five is BE GRATEFUL.

This means you look at the half full part of the glass, not the half empty. 

I'm sure there are challenges in the relationship that you're considering, but there's also good things. And there have been good things.

See if you can find some things to be grateful for —  because in gratitude, you're going to have a much better chance of creating a better relationship. 

Key Number Six is WRITE A NEW STORY.

When you write a new story, make yourself the Hero.

Know that you have choices. 

Know that you have options.

Know that you have the ability to bring your best self into this relationship. 

That's what I will help you do in my upcoming program

6 Keys to Improve All Your Relationships:

A Course on Compassionate Communication

We're going to work together over four weeks, one hour a week.

I'm going to help you connect to your best SELF — so that you can bring your calm, compassionate, courageous, confident, centered self to your relationship now — so that you're not reacting in negative ways, but you actually can bring a lot more empathy and compassion.

Then the next week, I'm going to help you let go of your limiting beliefs, all those judgments that make up your walls and make up your filters. 

We're going to let go of those. 

And in the third week, we're going to talk about how to unburden pain from the past so that you don't have to carry that well of feelings with you into the present moment and project them into the future. 

And the fourth week where we're going to learn how to relate from your heart

I hope you'll join me in the upcoming compassionate communication course where I'll help you 

  1. lower your walls,
  2. change your filters
  3. forgive yourself (and the other person)
  4. stay in the present
  5. be grateful  
  6. write a new story. 

And you can use these keys to open the door to brand new relationships with the people in your life. 

To learn more about the 6 Keys to Improve All Your Relationships

To get a FREE Compassionate Communication Care Kit, please CLICK HERE.

I hope you join me, and I'll talk to you soon.


Six Keys

Six Keys

I offer you SIX KEYS to begin to improve all your relationships today!

You can see how applying these Keys will help you create the relationships you truly desire and deserve.

Key Number One: Lower Your Walls.

What does that mean?

Think of a troubling relationship that you have with someone right now.

It might be a partner. It might be someone at work. It might be your child. It might be your parent.

Recognize what are the walls that you've put up around your heart to protect yourself from being hurt by this person?

And what story are you telling yourself about this person, about how you're being treated, about the relationship, about them?

Do you see yourself as a victim in some way?

And how are you managing that? How are you defending yourself? Are you angry? Are you withholding, are you shut down or are you resigned?

What do you need to feel safe to lower your walls?

That's Key Number One.


What does that mean?

What are the judgments that you're telling yourself about this other person? “They always do this. They never do that.”

What are the judgments you're telling yourself about yourself — that you “could have done better, you should have left sooner, or you shouldn't talk to them anymore, or you're being too weak.”

What are you telling yourself? And how open are you to changing those filters and changing those judgments.

Offer yourself a new perspective.: #1  lower your walls. #2: change your filters.

Key Number Three is to FORGIVE YOURSELF.

Forgiving yourself is sometimes hard to do.

You've done the best you knew how to do. If you knew how to do better, you would've done better. And considering your family of origin, considering your upbringing, considering the experiences you've had up until now, you've done the best you knew how to do.

And so has this other person.

As you forgive yourself, you're going to have more room to forgive the other person.

You can lower your walls. You'll change your filters. You forgive yourself and eventually the other person. 

Key Number Four is to STAY in the PRESENT.

 And what does that mean?

It means you stop living in the past. You stop letting what's happening in the moment, trigger memories of the past. And also you stop projecting into the future that the way the past relationship has been is that it's always going to be this way. 

So stay in the present moment and you'll have much more opportunities to make change.

 if it's so if it's not okay in the end, it's not the end. 

So keep on keeping on. To recap briefly again:  #1 lower your walls, #2 change your filters, #3 forgive yourself, #4stay in the present. 

Key Number Five is BE GRATEFUL.

This means you look at the half full part of the glass, not the half empty. 

I'm sure there are challenges in the relationship that you're considering, but there's also good things. And there have been good things.

See if you can find some things to be grateful for —  because in gratitude, you're going to have a much better chance of creating a better relationship. 

Key Number Six is WRITE A NEW STORY.

When you write a new story, make yourself the Hero.

Know that you have choices. 

Know that you have options.

Know that you have the ability to bring your best self into this relationship. 

And that's what I want to help you do. In my upcoming program, The Compassionate Communication Course.

Compassionate Communication Course.

We're going to work together over four weeks, one hour a week.

I'm going to help you connect to your best SELF — so that you can bring your calm, compassionate, courageous, confident, centered self to your relationship now — so that you're not reacting in negative ways, but you actually can bring a lot more empathy and compassion.

Then the next week, I'm going to help you let go of your limiting beliefs, all those judgments that make up your walls and make up your filters. 

We're going to let go of those. 

And in the third week, we're going to talk about how to unburden pain from the past so that you don't have to carry that well of feelings with you into the present moment and project them into the future. 

And the fourth week where we're going to learn how to relate from your heart

I hope you'll join me in the upcoming compassionate communication course where I'll help you 

  1. lower your walls,
  2. change your filters
  3. forgive yourself (and the other person)
  4. stay in the present
  5. be grateful  
  6. write a new story. 

And you can use these keys to open the door to brand new relationships with the people in your life. 

To learn more about the Compassionate Communication Course, please CLICK HERE,

To get a FREE Compassionate Communication Care Kit, please CLICK HERE.

I hope you join me, and I'll talk to you soon.

"I’ve experienced significant improvements in my relationship with my husband and children."


"I learned there could be a Compassionate Divorce."


“We’re building an entirely new marriage.”


“Linda guided us mindfully through the impact of divorce."


“I came to Linda seeking mediated divorce documents and came out with nothing but peace and hope."


“I am breaking free from destructive patterns.”


“Linda helped me love all ‘Parts’ of my SELF!”


“With Linda’s caring guidance, I moved forward with peace and strength.”


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