

With everything going on in the world right now, have you wondered how you could help more people communicate?

A lot of people are stuck in quarantine, and they’re communicating with some very bad habits. They may be sarcastic, they may be withholding, they may be judgmental, they may be secretly harboring a hope that they’re going to separate once this quarantine is over. And they don’t know where to turn.

I want to offer you a process so that you can help them. If you’re a therapist, a coach, a mediator, an attorney, clergy, a counselor, I want to talk to you about Compassionate Mediation®

Compassionate Mediation will help you help your clients communicate compassionately about every issue they’ve ever considered.

And it’s different, it’s different from marriage counseling, it’s different from divorce counseling, and it’s different from typical mediation.

Because in a typical mediation, both parties are ready to get divorced, they come and talk about a divorce, and that’s all they talk about.

In marriage counseling, people are often feeling that the only thing they can talk about is how to save their marriage. But what if they’ve secretly thought about, “What would it be like to leave? How would I feel if I could find someone new? What if we could stop the fighting and start over somewhere else?” And if they are having those thoughts, they can’t really invest in marriage counseling as fully as they might, if they were able to talk about everything.

Compassionate Mediation fosters a safe forum for talking about everything. They can talk about their money issues, their parenting roles, their finances, their sex life, and you will have the skillset to help them do that.

And that’s why I’m offering a certification program in Compassionate Mediation®.

I wrote the book, Compassionate Mediation® for Relationships at a Crossroad: How to Add Passion to your Marriage or Compassion to your Divorce. And I’ve created a six-hour online video program that follows the book.

Go to CompassionateMediationProgram.com, to learn more about the six- hour video series that can help an individual or a couple to either add passion to their marriage or compassion to their divorce. It follows the book and it’s available now.

If you are a professional who helps individuals and couples then my certification process is for you. And what that is, it’s going to be a three-level process. The first one starts this soon, and it’s going to be eight weeks, two hours a week, where I give you every detail of the process that I created.

Compassionate Mediation is a process to help you

  • become an expert in conflict resolution
  • foster compassionate communication
  • help an individual and couples create a relationship that they truly desire and deserve.
  • As you increase your expertise, income and impact.

And how do you do that?

The Certification is an “A to Z” training on everything you need to know. It helps you

  • do an initial interview to get all the information you need to understand the dynamics, the family dynamics, the family of origin dynamics, how they relate now, what parts they get triggered with each other, and how to help them get to their highest and best self.
  • help your clients create a compassionate relationship — no matter what decisions they make in the future
  • share the Miracle of Empathy — so they can calmly, courageously and confidently talk about everything.
  • foster helpful, healing and transformative options for them to consider
  • provide legal and financial information and support

There are many couples that come to my office and either one or both is ready to leave the union.

When they start talking about the issues that have divided them ‑ Instead of being reactive, and angry, and yelling, and withholding, instead of doing that — they learn what it means to come from their highest and best SELR.

Being “in SELF” means they’re calm, compassionate, creative, curious, connected, clear, confident, all the C words of the Internal Family Systems, IFS therapy that I practice.

They connect to their best self, they let go of the limiting beliefs and judgments that they have about their partner for themselves. The let go of burdens from the past, with all the backlog of feelings that they can let go of and they learn how to relate from their hearts.

Just imagine, imagine a couple or an individual who right now is sitting in quarantine, wondering what’s going to happen when they get out.

You can reach them online or in person, but online as well, and teach them these skills because I’ll teach them to you.

I’ll give you the handouts, the templates, the scripts, the meditations.

You’ll have all of the information you need to help them get to their best self and create a compassionate relationship.

You will help them explore all their options — because many people don’t know they have options. They think they have to stay in a situation that isn’t meeting their needs, or they think they have to leave. And when they think they have leave, they’re not ready so they stay stuck. But you can help them with all kinds of options.

And the options can be

  • going for counseling, individually or together
  • creating more time together
  • planning a separation or
  • planning a separation within the house
  • or just going to their own corners and giving each other a break.

There are many options, including what to know if they were going to separate or what to know if they were going to get divorced.

And that’s all the information that I give you to give them.

If you’re a therapist, you don’t have to lose your clients to mediators or attorneys. You’ll have the information to give them, to talk about every issue they need to talk about. If they’re going to talk about property division or maintenance or child support, you learn from me how to have these conversations.

And then you help them process all those feelings that come up from the conversations they’ll have. And that can go on for weeks and months and sometimes even years. And you’re there supporting them the whole time.

If you’re a coach, perhaps you don’t know how to get new clients. But if you learn how to become certified in Compassionate Mediation, you’ll have your own expertise and you’ll be able to reach out to attorneys and financial planners and therapists and clergy, and let them know that you can coach people in this process.

You will help your clients facilitate either a new and better relationship or a peaceful and respectful separation and divorce. And again, you’re coaching them, you’re advising them with all of the information, all of the data that I give here.

If you’re a mediator, you’ll have an expanded toolbox.  I’m a mediator, a therapist, and an attorney. And in mediation, typical mediation, you often see the couple act out their reactivity in your office. Compassionate Mediation gives you a whole new skillset so that you can work with the couple and really help them heal.

And I have to tell you, there are many times when one or both parties have come to my office, seeking mediation, seeking to get a divorce. And in the course of learning how to come from their highest and best self, and relate with compassion and empathy, they start to talk about their issues in ways that they hadn’t for years.

And they actually get to a place of understanding, compassion and forgiveness and that’s when miracles happen. Then they create a new relationship together, so that’s possible. And with Compassionate Mediation, you’re given the skills to offer that besides just a one way route to divorce.

If you’re an attorney, how many times have you been in a room with your clients, where over and over again, what you find is that they are fighting and you are being a therapist. Or you get late night calls because you’re dealing with their emotional reactivity.

Compassionate Mediation gives you a skillset and a vernacular and a network of people with whom to collaborate and refer You’re no longer the therapist without a skillset on helping them both have compassion for what they’re feeling, compassion for what their partner’s feeling, and a way to hear you and go through the process. It’s much calmer and much clearer and much more connected and confident than they might’ve been without this process.

And if you’re clergy, what you can do is you can bring spirituality back to a party. Compassionate Mediation can lead to a new marriage, which is a healing opportunity. If your conversations lead to a separation or divorce, you have the opportunity to create with a couple, a spiritual transformation that allows them to remain friends and create a restructured family ‑ where they have respect and kindness — and their children, if they have children, feel safe. And you can do that with the skills in Compassionate Mediation.

I’d love for you to check out the certification program and book a time to chat with me.

I look forward to connecting with you soon!

I’d love your help!

I wanted to thank you for joining me in my Compassionate Mediation Tools course, and now I’d like to ask for your help.

I’m going to be offering it again, a new version actually, which is the beginning of the certification process

I’d love to have your input if you have any feedback for me as to how I could make it better.

If you have any testimonials you’d like to share that I can use as I send out information, I’d love that too.

If you’d like to join me as an affiliate and share the information and get a percentage of the profit if someone you refer to me takes the course, I’d love to have you join my affiliate program. You can learn more and let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks again for all you shared with me, all I was able to share with you, and I’d love your help in spreading the word.

Thanks so much, talk to you soon. Bye for now.

Compassionate Mediation® Roadmap for a Better Relationship

Compassionate Mediation® Roadmap for a Better Relationship

You can begin a better relationship now by following these steps:

Be Your Best SELF

  • I hope the story of your relationship is one that you enjoy sharing. If not, it’s time to create a new story, where you are the empowered hero, not a victim.
  • Often, looking at the half-full parts of your relationship will help change your vantage point and allow for more intimate connections.
  • When you learn how to bring your best SELF to your relationship now, you’ll see old patterns and habits change for the better.
  • You can understand the conflicting feelings you may sometimes have, you also can recognize how your family of origin has affected your perspective.

Communicate Compassionately

  • The more you reduce your stress by taking better care of yourself, the more positive energy you will have to share with others.
  • Set your intentions for the future you want, and then put your attention on watching the Universe support your goals.
  • You’ll become more receptive, when you remember what it is you truly want, know you deserve it, ask for what you need, be willing to receive, and stay grateful.
  • Empathy helps you communicate with “I messages” where you share your feelings (not your judgments), and relate from your heart.

Explore Your Options

  • When you decide what you truly want — instead of focusing on what you don’t want — you’ll be able to talk about everything.
  • You don’t need to feel “stuck” in a situation that you want to change.
  • As you become more of an empowered partner, you’ll make confident and clear decisions for future.

Understand Your Finances

  • As you feel more informed, you can decide how you want to proceed with current and future choices.
  • If you think a separation or divorce is a possibility, find a good mediator and attorney, but first go back and be your best SELF and create a compassionate relationship with your partner now.

Plan for your future.

  • As you bring your best SELF into a new and better compassionate relationship, miracles can happen.
  • Take your time to explore your options, feel your feelings, and share all that you can with your partner to improve your relationship.

I’m here to help in any way I can.

You can contact me HERE.

Get a FREE CHAPTER of my award-winning book: Compassionate® Mediation for Relationships at a Crossroads: How to Add Passion to Your Marriage or Compassion to Your Divorce, CLICK HERE.

To order my book on Compassionate Mediation, click HERE.

To order my Kindle book on Compassionate Divorce™: Changing the Face of Divorce, One Heart at a Time, click HERE.


CM Online Training

CM Online Training

During this time of stress and uncertainty, relationships can be strained to their limits.

I want to share with you my proven transformational process for relationship healing  Compassionate Mediation®.

Compassionate Mediation® is NOT just for individuals or couples considering divorce. 

This process works with clients who aren’t worried about leaving, but want to improve their relationship with SELF-led communication.

Any relationship that needs healing or transformation will benefit — even if only one member of the relationship learns these skills.

Sometimes the willingness to consider what an ending may look like provides the impetus to create a new beginning together.

I’ll provide you with methods, strategies, and handouts I’ve used successfully with thousands of individuals and couples for over 35 years.

As a therapist, mediator, attorney, and Chopra-Certified teacher of meditation, yoga, and Ayurveda, I have created a process that covers emotional and spiritual healing along with financial and legal information and support.

Families need not be broken, but can peacefully and respectfully restructured.

Together, we can improve relationships – and even change the face of divorce – one heart at a time.too

Please join me and check out how Compassionate Mediation® can help now!

Compassionate Mediation®- the WHY

Compassionate Mediation®- the WHY



Not long ago I was facing the possibility of ending my marriage. I vacillated for years, thinking that my indecision was benefiting my children because our family was still “intact.”

I didn’t have the tools to effectively communicate all that I truly wanted and needed. My husband and I did our best, but when we finally made our decision, we gave in to some of the typical adversarial divorce processes – court, attorneys, hurt, anger, sadness, pain.

Our daughters watched the proceedings, trying not to take sides and feeling caught in the middle. Their sorrow from the reflected sadness and anger of each of us definitely impacted them, and probably still does. The process went on for years, and we all suffered.

One day, as I sat in the courtroom with the man I once loved enough to promise to love forever.

I realized there had to be a better way to get divorced – or a better way to create a new and better marriage.

What I quickly discovered is working with couples is that people often give up too soon. They don’t know how to communicate with compassion and confidence, and they throw in the towel because it seems easier than staying and facing all the issues that divide them.

It’s hard work to get divorced, and the effects of it linger for lifetimes. It’s often a time of personal reflection and can be a time for spiritual growth. I’ve realized that if an individual or couple is willing to put as much energy in their own personal transformation before they get divorced, there would be many more happy intact families.

If even one member of a couple is willing to bring their higher self into their relationship, let go of the judgments they have formed about the other, heal the pain from the past, and relate from their heart, miracles happen. 

They could talk about all the issues that cause conflict or pain and create a new relationship together – whether they decide to stay or go. I was able to help my clients avoid the pain and suffering my family had endured.

I put together all the education I had acquired…

As a therapist, mediator, attorney, teacher of meditation, yoga and Ayurveda, I created a process to help couples resolve conflict with higher consciousness and empathy.

I have worked one on one with clients for decades, and decided I wanted to create a program that could help people all over the world. My online course is ready now for the pubic, and I hope that you will join me in providing this process in your community.

I offer you all the information, guidance, and support I have created for my clients. You will have audios, videos, workbooks, templates, scripts and bonus materials that will provide a roadmap to lead you effortlessly in this process..

I’ll teach you the same program I’ve used to help hundreds of individuals and couples for over twenty-five years.

Imagine that in a short amount of time,

you will be able to learn all that you need to offer this system

to all your current and future clients.

If you are a therapist, mediator, attorney, coach or member of the clergy, this training is for you.

As an attorney, I didn’t like the whole adversarial process where there was a Pyrrhic victory at best – one major winner versus a major loser, with children always suffering, not matter the outcome.

As a mediator, I was frustrated watching warring couples continue their battles in my office without a meaningful way to intervene.

As a therapist, whose father was a manic-depressive who yelled a lot, I had trouble staying “in SELF” with angry clients, who reminded me of my dad and made me cower inside like a little girl, no matter how professional I tried to act.

I coached hundreds of individuals and clients to be more compassionate with themselves and each other, and gave workshops on letting go and moving on, even as I pushed myself to do more, and stayed separated for 9 years before my own divorce.

In all that time, I knew there had to be a better way to communicate and to heal relationships before, during and even after a divorce.

I have learned and practiced Internal Family Systems Therapy for almost 30 years. I was honored to learn from its founder, Richard Schwartz, Phd.

In his review of my book, Compassionate Mediation® for Relationships at a Crossroads: How to Add Passion to Your Marriage or Compassion to Your Divorce, Dick wrote: “Linda Kroll is a master at lifting couples out of their narrow protective perspective. They then learn the larger lessons from their relationships and proceed based on the best interests of all involved. This is relationship healing at its best.”

To get a FREE CHAPTER of Compassionate Mediation, please click HERE.

I also spent five years at the Chopra Center in California, where I studied with Deepak Chopra, David Simon, davidji, and Claire Diab, to become one of Chopra Center University’s 350 Master Teachers in the world.

I merged my legal training, mediation certification, IFS therapy, and spirituality to create the Compassionate Mediation® Process, which I would love to teach you so that together we can help change the face of divorce – one heart at a time.

If you’re interested in learning more,
please sign up for a FREE Roadmap Call so I can answer your questions and offer guidance and support.


"I’ve experienced significant improvements in my relationship with my husband and children."


"I learned there could be a Compassionate Divorce."


“We’re building an entirely new marriage.”


“Linda guided us mindfully through the impact of divorce."


“I came to Linda seeking mediated divorce documents and came out with nothing but peace and hope."


“I am breaking free from destructive patterns.”


“Linda helped me love all ‘Parts’ of my SELF!”


“With Linda’s caring guidance, I moved forward with peace and strength.”
