I'd love to have you join me on my next Facebook Live in my Compassionate Mediation Training Facebook Group.

if you are a therapist, a mediator, an attorney, a coach, or a member of the clergy, spiritual counselor, relationship counselor, or if you're someone who wants to learn it for yourself, I would love to share the gifts of Compassionate Mediation so that you can use them in your practice now.

I would love to offer you some of the tools that I've used with thousands of individuals and couples over the last 25 years as they've healed and transformed their relationship.

If you're a therapist, I want you to have this training so that you can lead them when they are faced with conflict and they don't have to go to a mediator or an attorney just to get a divorce, they can talk about their problems, every issue that divides them, and you can help them every step along the way.

If you're a mediator, I want to teach you this skill because it brings more empathy and compassion into the mediation sessions, which leads to a more peaceful and quicker resolution because they don't spend a lot of time fighting with each other, they learn to understand each other.

If you're an attorney who's tired of the litigation process, I want to help you help your clients participate in a way where they don't feel like a victim or an aggressor and there's a win-win for everybody.

If you're a relationship coach, I want to give you the tools, the words, the techniques, so that you can help individuals or couples move forward in a way that brings more peace to their relationship.

For all spiritual counselors, there's as much love that went into beginning a relationship that can be used to heal and transform it, even if the end is going to be a separation or a divorce.

My name is Linda Kroll and for over 30 years, I've been a therapist, mediator, attorney, a Chopra-certified teacher of meditation, yoga, and perfect health, and I wrote a book on Compassionate Mediation, How to Add Passion to Your Marriage or Compassion to Your Divorce.

I have a program ready to go to help anyone that needs that information, but why I'm reaching out to you, another heart-centered professional, is to help you learn how to deliver the program to the people that you know — because together we can help change the face of divorce one heart at a time.

Please join me for my next FACEBOOK LIVE in Compassionate Mediation Training.

I'd like to put your name on my website as a referral because I hope together we can share this message with the world.

I believe, “Families need not be broken, but can be peacefully and respectfully restructured.

When you learn Compassionate Mediation, you can help your clients communicate with compassion.

You help them form a compassionate relationship, and many times that's what they need to start a whole new marriage together.

If they do decide to separate or divorce, Compassionate Mediation is a turnkey program that I can give you to share with your clients now, so please learn more.

Let me know if you have any questions, and I hope to see you at in our Facebook Group.

"I’ve experienced significant improvements in my relationship with my husband and children."


"I learned there could be a Compassionate Divorce."


“We’re building an entirely new marriage.”


“Linda guided us mindfully through the impact of divorce."


“I came to Linda seeking mediated divorce documents and came out with nothing but peace and hope."


“I am breaking free from destructive patterns.”


“Linda helped me love all ‘Parts’ of my SELF!”


“With Linda’s caring guidance, I moved forward with peace and strength.”


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