Question for me in my last event:
It seems you are combining Western and Eastern knowledge to help your clients, and I was wondering if, like, was that a very conscious choice and how does that make you different from maybe others?

Thank you for asking that question.

I think I was always a spiritual being my whole life kind of like closeted spiritual when it wasn't so cool to name it out loud. 

Then I found Dick Schwartz 35 years ago with a way of doing therapy that really spoke to me, that really spoke to being in your highest self, which felt very spiritual to me.

Since then, IFS has included all spirituality in its teachings. 

At the same time, I knew that my constant mind, my chattering mind needed a way to calm down. 

And I learned how to meditate from Davidji at the Chopra Center.

And then I went out there for five years with Davidji,  Deepak Chopra, David Simon, Clarie Diab, and I learned how to teach meditation. 

I believe that if you truly want to learn something, learn how to teach it.

So I became a meditation teacher, then I became a yoga teacher,

then I became an Ayurveda teacher. 

I think I'm one of 500 or 600 people in the world that actually has that

triumvirate of trainings. 

The Chopra Center had just asked me this month to be their feature teacher of the month, 20 years after I took their training, which is a big honor. 

When I was at the Chopra Center, I realized the same conversation was being had with different words. 

When we talked about “higher consciousness,” it was the same as talking about SELF energy – which is calm, clear and compassionate.

There's seven layers of consciousness – sleeping, dreaming, waking, transcendent, cosmic, divine, and unity. 

That unity consciousness is that we're all one and we all have a higher self. 

And we as practitioners can trust that we can stay in our higher self and motivate our clients to access that higher self that they already have.

There's nothing missing, there's nothing wrong with them. They

just need to unburden the pain from the past, let go of the limiting beliefs

that they've been taught all their lives, and relate from their hearts.

I realized when I was doing both IFS and meditation trainings, I realized some people can't meditate because as soon as they stop being busy, their minds start acting up: their judgments, their to-do lists, the pain from their past. 

I think it's a great combination to be able to direct access Self through meditation, yoga,journaling, walking – whatever lights you up – access it directly. 

And at the same time, be mindful of the Parts of you that need some healing, that need to be released from the burdens from the past to be, in touch with what you're telling yourself – and not believing every thought you think or every thought you were taught to believe by your parents.

And to really let go of that energy because I do energy work for healing. 

It's all included in what I call Compassionate Mediation® Certification and my Compassionate Mediation® Program. 

I like to say to people, I blend the emotional and spiritual healing along with legal and financial information and support.

As a final thought, I hope you have a little bit more information about conscious conflict resolution and how to cultivate Self energy. 

Here's how to begin:

Take three belly breaths, inhale, abdomen out, exhale belly button back to your spine. 

One more time. Inhale all the way down to your abdomen. Exhale belly button back to your spine.

Last time. Inhale, abdomen out, exhale belly button back to your spine. 

You have just become more conscious. You have just connected with more self-energy and I hope you can take that with you into your day and beyond.

For more information, go to

"I’ve experienced significant improvements in my relationship with my husband and children."


"I learned there could be a Compassionate Divorce."


“We’re building an entirely new marriage.”


“Linda guided us mindfully through the impact of divorce."


“I came to Linda seeking mediated divorce documents and came out with nothing but peace and hope."


“I am breaking free from destructive patterns.”


“Linda helped me love all ‘Parts’ of my SELF!”


“With Linda’s caring guidance, I moved forward with peace and strength.”


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