Compassionate Communication Community

Compassionate Communication Community

I’ve spent my lifetime and the last 35 years as a therapist, mediator and attorney, author, and Chopra-Certified teacher of meditation, yoga and Ayurveda — wanting to help people learn how to be more compassionate with themselves and each other.

I've created books, products, programs and trainings for free and for sale.

I keep revisiting WHY I want to do this, and I'm taken back to the SEEDS of my inspiration.

Seeds of My Inspiration (What are yours?)

Maybe I got the seeds of inspiration when I was a child — listening to my beloved parents yelling at each other in our small house — wishing they could “talk nicer,” and writing them letters pleading with them to learn how.

Perhaps my own painful divorce from my beloved ex-husband helped me create the Compassionate Mediation® process. I wanted to help others avoid the pain and suffering of a typical adversarial divorce, while at the same time learning how to compassionately communicate — even about their desire to leave — as a way to create a more honest, open, and intimate new union together. 

It could be that much of my resilience, persistence and optimism come from surviving 12 surgeries in the last seven years, and several other life challenges that I have faced. I think my spiritual practices and outlooks (when I’m not being ADD or neurotic!) have helped me cope.

The Seeds of my current life’s passions (Compassionate Communication and Compassionate Mediation®) that came from my own personal experience and professional expertise — are some of the things I want to share with you. Please watch the one minute video below.

I’ve created the Compassionate Communication Community to connect with you in an entirely different way. 

Please join me on Facebook HERE and SHARE with anyone who would like to network, collaborate, support and inspire.

This group is for EVERYONE:

  • Personal growth 
  • Relationship Healing
  • Professional Training
  • Networking
  • Support
  • Guidance
  • Special guest experts

Just click HERE and check it out.

I want to share all that I can and have it be FREE.

I may offer you some products and programs to work with me in the future, but here’s what you’ll get for FREE.

Here are some of the weekly topics:

  • Motivational Mondays – Posts to inspire you for the week, or add your own.
  • Transformational Tuesdays – Facebook Lives to practice Compassionate Communication in all your relationships – personal and professional
  • Wednesday Wisdom – Workshops and/or interviews with other experts.
  • Thursday Trainings Live trainings in Compassionate Communication and Compassionate Mediation®.
  • Friday Freebies – Free gifts from me and a place to share yours.
  • Saturday Sharing – Networking, referrals, outreach, support, connections, “show and tell” 🙂
  • Sunday Fun Day – Anything goes!

I want to share with you in a supportive group setting where I can offer what I can, you can take what you want, share who you are, network, connect, enjoy, learn, grow, and feel connected.

Please join me in and SHARE our new Compassionate Communication Community – and let the fun, healing, sharing, and connections begin!

With much love and gratitude for your friendship,


6 Keys Course

6 Keys Course

I offer you SIX KEYS to begin to improve all your relationships today!

You can see how applying these Keys will help you create the relationships you truly desire and deserve.

Key Number One: Lower Your Walls.

What does that mean?

Think of a troubling relationship that you have with someone right now.

It might be a partner. It might be someone at work. It might be your child. It might be your parent.

Recognize what are the walls that you've put up around your heart to protect yourself from being hurt by this person?

And what story are you telling yourself about this person, about how you're being treated, about the relationship, about them?

Do you see yourself as a victim in some way?

And how are you managing that? How are you defending yourself? Are you angry? Are you withholding, are you shut down or are you resigned?

What do you need to feel safe to lower your walls?

That's Key Number One.


What does that mean?

What are the judgments that you're telling yourself about this other person? 

They always do this. They never do that.”

What are the judgments you're telling yourself about yourself — that you “could have done better, you should have left sooner, or you shouldn't talk to them anymore, or you're being too weak.”

What are you telling yourself? And how open are you to changing those filters and changing those judgments.

Offer yourself a new perspective.: #1  lower your walls. #2: change your filters.

Key Number Three is to FORGIVE YOURSELF.

Forgiving yourself is sometimes hard to do.

You've done the best you knew how to do. If you knew how to do better, you would've done better. And considering your family of origin, considering your upbringing, considering the experiences you've had up until now, you've done the best you knew how to do.

And so has this other person.

As you forgive yourself, you're going to have more room to forgive the other person.

You can lower your walls. You'll change your filters. You forgive yourself and eventually the other person. 

Key Number Four is to STAY in the PRESENT.

 And what does that mean?

It means you stop living in the past. You stop letting what's happening in the moment, trigger memories of the past. And also you stop projecting into the future that the way the past relationship has been is that it's always going to be this way. 

So stay in the present moment and you'll have much more opportunities to make change.

 if it's so if it's not okay in the end, it's not the end. 

So keep on keeping on. To recap briefly again:  #1 lower your walls, #2 change your filters, #3 forgive yourself, #4stay in the present. 

Key Number Five is BE GRATEFUL.

This means you look at the half full part of the glass, not the half empty. 

I'm sure there are challenges in the relationship that you're considering, but there's also good things. And there have been good things.

See if you can find some things to be grateful for —  because in gratitude, you're going to have a much better chance of creating a better relationship. 

Key Number Six is WRITE A NEW STORY.

When you write a new story, make yourself the Hero.

Know that you have choices. 

Know that you have options.

Know that you have the ability to bring your best self into this relationship. 

That's what I will help you do in my upcoming program

6 Keys to Improve All Your Relationships:

A Course on Compassionate Communication

We're going to work together over four weeks, one hour a week.

I'm going to help you connect to your best SELF — so that you can bring your calm, compassionate, courageous, confident, centered self to your relationship now — so that you're not reacting in negative ways, but you actually can bring a lot more empathy and compassion.

Then the next week, I'm going to help you let go of your limiting beliefs, all those judgments that make up your walls and make up your filters. 

We're going to let go of those. 

And in the third week, we're going to talk about how to unburden pain from the past so that you don't have to carry that well of feelings with you into the present moment and project them into the future. 

And the fourth week where we're going to learn how to relate from your heart

I hope you'll join me in the upcoming compassionate communication course where I'll help you 

  1. lower your walls,
  2. change your filters
  3. forgive yourself (and the other person)
  4. stay in the present
  5. be grateful  
  6. write a new story. 

And you can use these keys to open the door to brand new relationships with the people in your life. 

To learn more about the 6 Keys to Improve All Your Relationships

To get a FREE Compassionate Communication Care Kit, please CLICK HERE.

I hope you join me, and I'll talk to you soon.


Book Excerpts

Table of Contents

Foreword                                                                                v
Relationship Survey                                                              xi
Client Successes                                                                   xv
Appreciation                                                                        xxi
Introduction                                                                     xxvii

                                      SECTION ONE

Compassionate Communication Begins with You

Chapter 1: Connect to Your Highest and Best SELF              1

Chapter 2: Understand and Love Your “Parts”                    25

Chapter 3: 5 Steps to Get What You Want and Need           55

Chapter 4: Experience the Miracle of Empathy                     63

                                      SECTION TWO

                         Compassionate Mediation®

                    Become Your Own Best Advocate

Chapter 5: Explore All Your Options                                       95

Chapter 6: Learn Your Rights                                                  111


            Reduce Your Stress with Exquisite SELF-Care

Chapter 7: Tune In To Your SELF                                          143

Chapter 8: Let Go of Limiting Beliefs                                  169

Chapter 9: Unburden Your Inner Child                                183

                                     SECTION FOUR

             Make Decisions from Your Highest SELF

Chapter 10: Add Passion to Your Relationship                    189

Chapter 11: Add Compassion to a SELF-Led Divorce®         199

Chapter 12: Compassion for All                                              229


Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them

humanity cannot survive. I truly believe that compassion

provides the basis of human survival.”

—Tenzin Gyatso, the XIVth Dalai Lama

“Should I Stay or Should I Go?

How many times have you asked yourself this question—over how many days, weeks, months, years, even decades? Do you feel like your relationship is difficult and don’t know how to change it? Have you had marriage counseling that didn’t work? Are you too “checked out” to try again?

Have you ever considered the possibility of divorce, but were not sure what to do next? Are you too scared to even discuss it? Maybe you’re reluctant to talk with an attorney because that would make the situation “real.” Or perhaps you’ve threatened to leave the union for so long now that your partner doesn’t believe you anymore.

Right now, you may be suffering in silence or engaged in all-out battle. Or you might be separated from your partner and each trying to live your own lives without a clear sense of direction for your relationship. But it doesn’t have to stay that way.

When a marriage is in crisis, you suffer from unmet expectations, dashed hopes, stored resentments, quiet desperation or even overt war. You may have created an “impenetrable wall” around your heart as a way to “manage your pain” and protect yourself from more hurt and disappointment. You may have erected “filters” through which you see your partner, clouded with judgment or blame for what she/he did or didn’t do. (“She always does this, he never does that.”)


If you feel you’ve reached the end of your rope—that you can’t go on this way any longer, that you’re at a crossroads and don’t know which way to turn next—before you take a step in any direction, it’s time to come home to your SELF.


My Heart Goes Out to You

You may be reading this book because you are struggling with indecision, trying to decide what to do about your relationship, your family, and your future. You’re likely experiencing many emotions—from sadness, anger, hurt and betrayal, to frustration, guilt, confusion, and a sense of being overwhelmed. I know this is an extremely difficult time because I’ve been there myself.

My Story

I was once where you are now, and it’s a painful, lonely place. I discussed my situation with friends, family members, therapists, and loved ones. Ultimately, however, no one could make my decision for me. There were moments I was clear and determined, but more often, I was trapped in a state of limbo, unable to leave but unhappy in the marriage. Because I have experienced divorce firsthand, I have much to share about what to do—and what not to do.

I was happily married to my college sweetheart, but after twenty years together, we were looking at the possibility of a divorce. I worried about my children, my family, our future. I loved my husband, but we had reached an impasse about what was important to each of us moving forward in our lives. I was unsure what was the right thing to do, and in my uncertainty, I stayed stuck.

For years, I asked myself, “Should I stay or should I go?” In the decade it finally took me to decide, I took the pain of my own failings and missteps and turned them into lessons learned and methods developed that are now helping others succeed.

As I struggled with my own marriage and emotions, I returned to school to study psychotherapy, earning my second graduate degree and becoming a licensed clinical professional counselor, as well as a mediator and attorney. Surely, I thought, as a lawyer, mediator, and therapist, I could get us through our divorce as smoothly and painlessly as possible. But trying to mediate your own divorce is like trying to deliver your own baby. It may be remotely possible, but ultimately, it’s much too difficult.

I thought that by staying together, our family was “intact.” But we didn’t have the tools to have all the conversations we needed to decide together the best road for each of us and our children. Although we stay married for a long time, there were years of pain, fear and indecision that affected us all.

I believed I was being helpful to my children. I thought I was keeping both parents available, even though we were separated. I finally realized that my ambivalence, vacillation, and procrastination created more harm than good. I often felt lost, alone, and didn’t know what I needed to do next.

There Has to Be a Better Way

Years later, when I was sitting in a courtroom for a pre-trial hearing, with my estranged husband on one side and me on the other, I looked into my heart and I figured there had to be a better way. I watched the man who had been by my side at the birth of our two beautiful daughters, the guy who had been my best friend for over twenty years. His gaze avoided mine as we both sat on opposite sides of the room, feeling hurt, angry, afraid of the whole process we were in, and unable to re-connect. It was my worst nightmare come to life. Our marriage was ending, but did it have to end this way?

There has to be a better way to get divorced, I told myself. There has to be a better way to disconnect from someone you once promised to love forever. I wasn’t sure how to make it better for myself, but I knew I wanted to help other people avoid the pain we were both feeling.

For most of my life, I have tried to see a divine plan in the experiences that I have been given. For over 30 years, I have tried to live a more spiritually based life instead of an “ego-based” life. When my ego takes the lead, as a way to manage the fear and uncertainty of the present or future, I have a need to control and judge and have my mind create expectations from my self (small ‘s’). In my attempt to lead a “spiritually based life,” I do my best to communicate from my heart (where I connect with my higher SELF) as I stay open to what the Universe (or God) has planned for me.

I like the scholar and author Brené Brown’s description of spirituality. She said, “Spirituality is recognizing and celebrating that we are all inextricably connected to each other by a power greater than all of us, and that our connection to that power and to one another is grounded in love and compassion. Practicing spirituality brings a sense of perspective, meaning, and purpose to our lives.”

My own personal belief system is foundational for how I got to where I am. You do not have to have any of these beliefs to benefit from the tools I’ve developed for Compassionate Mediation®. Compassionate Mediation is based on the concepts of Compassionate Communication—or SELF-leadership—along with informed and empowered choices.

Whatever your individual belief system, I hope you will take what you can from this book and use it to help yourself heal and transform your relationship and your family. I know that this process has helped thousands of men and women, and I believe it can offer you some tools to use in your life now.

I agree with the message of Debbie Ford, who wrote in her book, Spiritual Divorce, “Divorce can be a spiritual wake up call during which we have an opportunity to explore our inner world and begin the process of becoming intimate with our entire self—divorce brings us back into the presence of our highest self and heals the split between our ego and our soul.”

After years of working with individuals and couples who were considering or going through a divorce, I created the process of Compassionate Mediation to help you bring your highest and best SELF to your current situation. Then you can make your decision from a more expanded and loving state of awareness.

You will become more conscious of your own thoughts and behaviors. You will learn the skill of Compassionate Communication, in which you drop down from that egoic, judgmental, blaming mind and you drop into your heart, which is filled with love and compassion. The secret to receiving more compassion is learning how to be more compassionate. To paraphrase Gandhi, “Be the change you wish to see in your relationship.” It starts with compassion for yourself, and then extending your compassion to your partner. You can then safely discuss your feelings, expectations, hopes, dreams, and possibilities as you create something new and better together.

Sometimes Compassionate Mediation is something only you will learn because your partner may not want to participate. The process of Compassionate Mediation allows you to accept your circumstances with peace, with forgiveness, with understanding and compassion.

I never wanted my divorce to create the pain and suffering that I had witnessed others endure. I procrastinated for years, as I learned to mediate, meditate, journal, do yoga, talk, get therapy, write, cry, pray and offer counsel to others. I realized in working with my clients that I had developed a peaceful and respectful process that would ultimately be a healing experience as two individuals who once loved each other and created a family together, learned how to respectfully go their separate ways. I wanted to do this for my husband and myself, but especially for our two daughters, who were 8 and 12 when we separated.

You Can Help Your Children

The world needs to be a safer place for marriage and divorce. Children should be shielded from the shrapnel of their parents’ animosity. Compassionate Mediation offers a new paradigm for couples at a crossroads.

The more experience I have, the more compassion I have for the profound sadness and fear underneath my clients’ resentments or rage. No matter how far apart a couple can become emotionally and physically, their children are caught in the middle and continue to feel the strife.


I believe families need not be “broken,” but can be peacefully and respectfully “re-structured.”


It’s Never Too Late

Often there is one member of a couple who feels it’s “too late” to save the relationship. However, if just one of you will learn a new way to communicate, miracles can happen and a new and better union can emerge.

I often tell my clients: “This current marriage is ‘over.‘ It’s not about ‘fixing’ or ‘saving’ it or ‘settling’ for what you have. You can create a new and better relationship that is based on who you both are now, what’s important to you, and what you are willing to give to the other of what you each want and need.”

Your children will only have one biological mother and father, no matter how many other partners are introduced into their lives. Children of all ages seek on some level to have a “happy family.” If you can’t find a way to live with the other parent, you can find a way to connect or disconnect with civility, courtesy, and even kindness. Healing can happen, and it starts with you.

Often imagining what the end of your relationship would look like will motivate you and your spouse to try to heal your relationship instead of leaving it. If you’re feeling stuck or unsure about your relationship, or unable to communicate effectively, you can create a more peaceful and respectful connection with Compassionate Mediation. You will be able to make changes before divorce becomes your only option.

You will have a safe forum to talk about everything that has caused you pain or conflict. The conversations will cover all areas of contention or impasse—money, parenting, extended family, work, responsibilities, and even sex. You will be able to discuss everything in a whole new way. Whenever you communicate with more confidence, clarity and compassion, it is possible to create a new, enriching relationship with your partner. Or you can make a peaceful, conscious decision to separate or divorce.

You’ll give yourself the necessary time it takes to focus respectfully and honestly on potential, positive outcomes rather than making a unilateral or irreversible decision to end your marriage. At the same time, however, the sooner you begin the process of Compassionate Mediation, the sooner you’ll begin to make the changes that will heal your family, no matter what form that family takes in the future.

Love is the Answer—and It Starts with Loving Your SELF

Compassionate Mediation is an opportunity to talk about everything that has been a problem, and a chance to create a new marriage to the person you’re living with now.

You begin to love yourself enough to do the work you need to heal the burdens from the past. You learn how to let go of any limiting beliefs that keep you from being open to new possibilities. You connect to your heart, your higher SELF, your witnessing awareness and your wisdom, and then you bring that energy back into your relationship. This book will give you the tools to put these ideals into practice, including links to my website for more support and a deeper dive into your own personal healing and transformation.


Looking at an ending can help create a new beginning. Compassionate Mediation is a short-term process that helps you bring your best SELF to your relationship so that you can co-create a new and better relationship—no matter what form it takes.


You can take the time you need to learn more about Compassionate Communication, Compassionate Relationships, and Compassionate Mediation. You will see that if you’re going to make the decision to get divorced, you can create a compassionate and SELF-Led Divorce®, in which you’re communicating from your highest and best SELF for the benefit of all concerned.

The Stress of Uncertainty

Divorce is one of life’s major stressors, but perhaps “wondering if you should get a divorce” can sometimes be more stressful than actually making a decision and moving forward. When you finally decide whether to stay or go, you can confidently move in that one direction. When you are not sure what you want to do, life becomes a series of vastly different possibilities, each with its own set of fears and concerns.

You might wonder, “What if I stay and it never gets any better?” You then project a lifetime where you are stuck in a relationship that doesn’t meet your needs and brings out the worst version of your self.

Perhaps you worry, “What if I leave and I’m all alone and broke and without my children?” You begin to picture all the horrors that are possible, and turn around and vacillate some more. The stress of indecision and procrastination, feeling stuck and overwhelmed is often worse than making a choice. Author Anais Nin has said, “And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” You have your own choice to make. You can stay where you are or you can explore the possibilities of change.

The constant uncertainty, vacillation, and ambivalence make it hard for you to be present in a calm and peaceful way. You are constantly worrying about your future, concentrating on what is wrong with the present, and ruminating about the pain from the past. All of that behavior increases the feelings of stress that affect your emotional, psychological and physical health. Divorce is almost as stressful as the death of a loved one. It is a different kind of death—the death of a relationship, the death of a marriage, and often the most difficult, the death of a dream.

Explore All Your Options

Compassionate Mediation is a process that helps you either add passion to your marriage or compassion to your divorce. You don’t have to spend years “on the fence” in an unhappy or dysfunctional relationship. You can learn how to speak your truth courageously and set healthy boundaries confidently. You will discover what you truly want and need, believe that you deserve to be happy and fulfilled, and learn how to ask respectfully, receive graciously, and share your gratitude. You will begin to experience more love in your life, even if it means you give it to yourself.

You will learn how to become more empathetic and considerate—first for yourself, and then your partner. You will know how to ask for and get your needs met and forgive yourself and each other. You will remember how to be grateful again for what you do share, and learn how to reflect the attention, affection, appreciation, and acceptance you both desire—no matter the outcome.

You will learn that it’s not always what you say but how you say it. You will experience the healing power of “thank you” and “I’m sorry.” You will safely explore all your options to re-structure your family peacefully and respectfully.

Remember Who You Truly Are

The French philosopher Teilhard de Chardin said, “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” You can always tune in to who you truly are, underneath your thoughts, feelings, and past experiences. You can connect with what I believe is your divine spiritual nature in the midst of your human experiences. You become more conscious, aware, mindful—in other words, more “SELF-led.” You learn how to choose your responses, your behavior, and your future decisions from your highest and best SELF. Becoming more conscious and SELF-led in your relationship allows you to focus on the higher good for all concerned, and then relate compassionately to heal and transform the dynamics between you and your partner.

In her new book of the same title, Katherine Woodard has described her process of “Conscious Uncoupling” as a loving way to end a marriage. When you are in SELF, you can also choose to consciously couple in a way that leads to more intimacy, passion, connection and fun. You will feel more balanced, peaceful, openhearted, open-minded, and present. This book will help you bring your best SELF into all your relationships.

How to Use This Book

I’ve divided the book into the following sections. Reading them in order gives you a step-by-step guide, but you can go to any section that calls to you first. There are questions for you in many chapters, and the more you answer them, the more inner guidance you will receive.

I suggest that you start a new journal if you’d like, and allow yourself to start the next chapter of your life now as you take the steps to confidently, courageously and calmly explore all of your possibilities.

SECTION ONE: Compassionate Communication Begins with You

Compassionate Mediation begins with learning the skill of Compassionate Communication. Connecting to your best SELF—as you let go of limiting beliefs, heal burdens from your past, and relate from your heart—is the foundation for Compassionate Relationships, Compassionate Mediation, and Compassionate or SELF-Led Divorce®.

As you become more compassionate with your SELF, you will become more willing and able to extend that compassion to others. Your new way of communicating will be evident in the speech you use, your tone of voice, and how you respond. You can unburden your pain from the past, stay “in the now”, and relate in a non-blaming or non-judgmental manner.

Compassionate Communication is a conscious, higher-SELF directed way of relating to others that invites empathy and understanding. Instead of building “walls” around your heart, you create healthy boundaries. You begin to recognize the influence of your Family of Origin and take care of your “Inner Child,” which may be holding onto pain from your past. You learn a new way to communicate that peacefully resolves conflict as you heal wounds from the past and stay present to create a better future.

SECTION TWO: Compassionate Mediation to Become Your Own Best Advocate

You can create a new and better relationship, no matter what form it ultimately takes. You get clear on what is important to you, learn that you deserve to be happy, get confident to ask for what you want, become willing to receive, and stay grateful for all you already share. You do your own healing first. Then you will have the tools to create a new relationship with your partner or on your own.

Your relationship begins to change as you do. You will educate and empower yourself with legal and financial information.It is often these detailed conversations that instill a desire to try harder to heal the pain from the past, forgive yourself and your partner, and create a new and better marriage together. When you become fully informed of the financial reality of your current situation, coupled with newfound empathy for the feelings of your partner, you can make changes that can immediately impact your relationship in a positive way.

However, if your ultimate decision is to get a divorce, Compassionate Mediationwill provide the framework for a peaceful and respectful SELF-Led Divorce.

SECTION THREE: Reduce Your Stress with Exquisite SELF-Care

Stress is often due to not getting your needs met, and when there is conflict or disharmony in your relationship, stress is always present. You can lower your stress, by tuning into your SELF with breathing, yoga, meditation, and other modalities. You will also be guided on how to let go of limiting beliefs and heal burdens from your past so that you can feel more balance, peace, and joy. You may believe that “when you make a decision, you’ll feel better.” But the opposite is true. When you feel better, you’ll be able to make the right decision for yourself and your family.

SECTION FOUR: Make Decisions from Your Highest SELF

Will you end up with a new Compassionate Relationship or a peaceful and compassionate SELF-Led Divorce? As you practice Compassionate Communication and discuss your options through Compassionate Mediation, you and your partner can each bring your best SELF into a new and improved passionate relationship. Learning to show compassion rather than judgment makes deeper and connection possible. Your relationships with others will also improve. You will learn how to talk with your children, family and friends as you instill a message of cooperation and friendship to be shared by all.

You may realize that you and your partner have each done the best you knew how to do, that you’re grateful for all that you’ve shared, and yet you realize it’s time to go your separate ways. You can then consider a divorce that is created from your highest and best SELF. You can heal from the past and move forward with forgiveness, friendship, and freedom.

SECTION FIVE: Compassion for All

You offer compassion to your children, your parents, your friends, co-workers, and your extended family. You will become more patient with the process of counseling, mediation, separation and/or divorce, so that you can make your decisions from a place of SELF-leadership and higher consciousness. You will also learn how to be more compassionate with new partners, step-families and everyone touched by your present and future decisions. Your own inner peace is one step in the direction of family peace. Your higher SELF brings you to new heights of consciousness, connection, and compassion for yourself and others.


If couples put as much energy into learning how to communicate with compassion as they have to put into getting a divorce, profound changes can occur within them and between them.


I’m Here to Help

I hope that you will use this book as you would the support of a friend, one who has been there and one who cares. If you are feeling conflicted, uncertain, scared, or alone, take some time to breathe and relax. Life will get better. You will learn a safe way to have those discussions you’ve been avoiding. Compassionate Mediation embraces spiritual wisdom from many teachers to create a new paradigm for communication. You can transform your relationship instead of dissolving your marriage.

While we routinely recognize the pain and suffering from wars and illnesses, I wonder how many other casualties can be attributed to the fall of a family. How many innocent bystanders are harmed by the decision of two people to terminate a marriage? How many generations pay the price of familial conflict?

I know there is a better way. I watch my clients create it. I hope you can change your relationship struggles into an experience that enriches your family rather than continuing on the current pathways that may be destroying it. Should you stay or go? Only you have that answer. Compassionate Mediation can show you how to find it.

I offer you my experience and my knowledge to coach you as you move forward from wherever you are now to wherever you’re hoping to be. I’m here to help in any way I can. From my heart to yours, I’m sending a great deal of love and support.



As a therapist, mediator, and attorney, I've helped individuals and couples either create a new marriage or create a compassionate divorce.

But many times when people think about divorce there is a person that feels like they're going to be a bag lady, and there might be somebody else that feels like they're going to lose their pants.

And as corny as it is, it doesn't have to be this way.

There is a way to communicate about every issue that's causing you conflict.

There's a way to compassionately heal the pain from the past, and when you've done that with empathy, you have the skills to begin to create a new relationship, and you can create a new relationship with the partner you have now, because you'll each doing your own work.

And even if your partner doesn't do any work, if you come to your partner with your best self instead of the reactive parts that you may have been showing him or her over the years, you're going to create a new dynamic between the two of you.

I've created the Compassionate Mediation® Program. It's a six-hour video series based on my book, Compassionate Mediation: How to Add Passion To Your Marriage or Compassion To Your Divorce.

And it's available now and it's available at a very big discount, because I want to make this program available to everyone.

It teaches you how to communicate compassionately, how to be empathetic with each other, how to explore your options, understand your rights and finances, and truly create the relationship you desire and deserve.

Please go to, sign up now at the very discounted price, and you can begin a six-hour series that can take you from where you are now to where you'd like to be in your relationship.

And I'll be there to help you.

So please check it out and I hope to see you in the program. Bye for now.



With everything going on in the world right now, have you wondered how you could help more people communicate?

A lot of people are stuck in quarantine, and they're communicating with some very bad habits. They may be sarcastic, they may be withholding, they may be judgmental, they may be secretly harboring a hope that they're going to separate once this quarantine is over. And they don't know where to turn.

I want to offer you a process so that you can help them. If you're a therapist, a coach, a mediator, an attorney, clergy, a counselor, I want to talk to you about Compassionate Mediation®

Compassionate Mediation will help you help your clients communicate compassionately about every issue they've ever considered.

And it's different, it's different from marriage counseling, it's different from divorce counseling, and it's different from typical mediation.

Because in a typical mediation, both parties are ready to get divorced, they come and talk about a divorce, and that's all they talk about.

In marriage counseling, people are often feeling that the only thing they can talk about is how to save their marriage. But what if they've secretly thought about, “What would it be like to leave? How would I feel if I could find someone new? What if we could stop the fighting and start over somewhere else?” And if they are having those thoughts, they can't really invest in marriage counseling as fully as they might, if they were able to talk about everything.

Compassionate Mediation fosters a safe forum for talking about everything. They can talk about their money issues, their parenting roles, their finances, their sex life, and you will have the skillset to help them do that.

And that's why I'm offering a certification program in Compassionate Mediation®.

I wrote the book, Compassionate Mediation® for Relationships at a Crossroad: How to Add Passion to your Marriage or Compassion to your Divorce. And I've created a six-hour online video program that follows the book.

Go to, to learn more about the six- hour video series that can help an individual or a couple to either add passion to their marriage or compassion to their divorce. It follows the book and it's available now.

If you are a professional who helps individuals and couples then my certification process is for you. And what that is, it's going to be a three-level process. The first one starts this soon, and it's going to be eight weeks, two hours a week, where I give you every detail of the process that I created.

Compassionate Mediation is a process to help you

  • become an expert in conflict resolution
  • foster compassionate communication
  • help an individual and couples create a relationship that they truly desire and deserve.
  • As you increase your expertise, income and impact.

And how do you do that?

The Certification is an “A to Z” training on everything you need to know. It helps you

  • do an initial interview to get all the information you need to understand the dynamics, the family dynamics, the family of origin dynamics, how they relate now, what parts they get triggered with each other, and how to help them get to their highest and best self.
  • help your clients create a compassionate relationship — no matter what decisions they make in the future
  • share the Miracle of Empathy — so they can calmly, courageously and confidently talk about everything.
  • foster helpful, healing and transformative options for them to consider
  • provide legal and financial information and support

There are many couples that come to my office and either one or both is ready to leave the union.

When they start talking about the issues that have divided them ‑ Instead of being reactive, and angry, and yelling, and withholding, instead of doing that — they learn what it means to come from their highest and best SELR.

Being “in SELF” means they're calm, compassionate, creative, curious, connected, clear, confident, all the C words of the Internal Family Systems, IFS therapy that I practice.

They connect to their best self, they let go of the limiting beliefs and judgments that they have about their partner for themselves. The let go of burdens from the past, with all the backlog of feelings that they can let go of and they learn how to relate from their hearts.

Just imagine, imagine a couple or an individual who right now is sitting in quarantine, wondering what's going to happen when they get out.

You can reach them online or in person, but online as well, and teach them these skills because I'll teach them to you.

I'll give you the handouts, the templates, the scripts, the meditations.

You’ll have all of the information you need to help them get to their best self and create a compassionate relationship.

You will help them explore all their options — because many people don't know they have options. They think they have to stay in a situation that isn't meeting their needs, or they think they have to leave. And when they think they have leave, they're not ready so they stay stuck. But you can help them with all kinds of options.

And the options can be

  • going for counseling, individually or together
  • creating more time together
  • planning a separation or
  • planning a separation within the house
  • or just going to their own corners and giving each other a break.

There are many options, including what to know if they were going to separate or what to know if they were going to get divorced.

And that's all the information that I give you to give them.

If you're a therapist, you don't have to lose your clients to mediators or attorneys. You'll have the information to give them, to talk about every issue they need to talk about. If they're going to talk about property division or maintenance or child support, you learn from me how to have these conversations.

And then you help them process all those feelings that come up from the conversations they'll have. And that can go on for weeks and months and sometimes even years. And you're there supporting them the whole time.

If you're a coach, perhaps you don't know how to get new clients. But if you learn how to become certified in Compassionate Mediation, you'll have your own expertise and you'll be able to reach out to attorneys and financial planners and therapists and clergy, and let them know that you can coach people in this process.

You will help your clients facilitate either a new and better relationship or a peaceful and respectful separation and divorce. And again, you're coaching them, you're advising them with all of the information, all of the data that I give here.

If you're a mediator, you’ll have an expanded toolbox.  I'm a mediator, a therapist, and an attorney. And in mediation, typical mediation, you often see the couple act out their reactivity in your office. Compassionate Mediation gives you a whole new skillset so that you can work with the couple and really help them heal.

And I have to tell you, there are many times when one or both parties have come to my office, seeking mediation, seeking to get a divorce. And in the course of learning how to come from their highest and best self, and relate with compassion and empathy, they start to talk about their issues in ways that they hadn't for years.

And they actually get to a place of understanding, compassion and forgiveness and that's when miracles happen. Then they create a new relationship together, so that's possible. And with Compassionate Mediation, you're given the skills to offer that besides just a one way route to divorce.

If you're an attorney, how many times have you been in a room with your clients, where over and over again, what you find is that they are fighting and you are being a therapist. Or you get late night calls because you're dealing with their emotional reactivity.

Compassionate Mediation gives you a skillset and a vernacular and a network of people with whom to collaborate and refer You're no longer the therapist without a skillset on helping them both have compassion for what they're feeling, compassion for what their partner's feeling, and a way to hear you and go through the process. It's much calmer and much clearer and much more connected and confident than they might've been without this process.

And if you're clergy, what you can do is you can bring spirituality back to a party. Compassionate Mediation can lead to a new marriage, which is a healing opportunity. If your conversations lead to a separation or divorce, you have the opportunity to create with a couple, a spiritual transformation that allows them to remain friends and create a restructured family ‑ where they have respect and kindness — and their children, if they have children, feel safe. And you can do that with the skills in Compassionate Mediation.

I'd love for you to check out the certification program and book a time to chat with me.

I look forward to connecting with you soon!

I’d love your help!

I wanted to thank you for joining me in my Compassionate Mediation Tools course, and now I'd like to ask for your help.

I'm going to be offering it again, a new version actually, which is the beginning of the certification process

I'd love to have your input if you have any feedback for me as to how I could make it better.

If you have any testimonials you'd like to share that I can use as I send out information, I'd love that too.

If you'd like to join me as an affiliate and share the information and get a percentage of the profit if someone you refer to me takes the course, I'd love to have you join my affiliate program. You can learn more and let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks again for all you shared with me, all I was able to share with you, and I'd love your help in spreading the word.

Thanks so much, talk to you soon. Bye for now.

"I’ve experienced significant improvements in my relationship with my husband and children."


"I learned there could be a Compassionate Divorce."


“We’re building an entirely new marriage.”


“Linda guided us mindfully through the impact of divorce."


“I came to Linda seeking mediated divorce documents and came out with nothing but peace and hope."


“I am breaking free from destructive patterns.”


“Linda helped me love all ‘Parts’ of my SELF!”


“With Linda’s caring guidance, I moved forward with peace and strength.”


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