Welcome to the Compassionate Communication Community!

Welcome to the Compassionate Communication Community!

Join us in the group on Facebook: Compassionate Communication Community.

Hi, and Welcome to the Compassionate Communication Community.

I'm so glad you decided to sign up for our group, and I'm hoping you're going to find lots of information here that will help you to have a happier life and happier relationships.

I'm going to use all the tools I've acquired as a therapist, mediator, attorney, Chopra-certified teacher of meditation, yoga and Ayurveda — and give you the benefit of my 35 years of counseling experience as an IFS therapist, and what I learned at the Chopra Center.

And I'm also going to funnel tips and tools that I've used to lead a happy life, no matter what.

Whatever is going on in your life right now — whether it's an illness, whether it's a relationship problem, whether it's just wanting to make your life happier, you're going to learn some skills in this group.

We're going to have:

Motivational Monday — that will give you the opportunity to enjoy some motivation for your week.

Transformational Tuesday — where I'm going to talk about Compassionate Communication, how to improve all the relationships in your life, and how to talk to anybody about anything.

Wednesday Wisdom or Workshop — and I'm going to offer a workshop or a special guest

Thursday Trainings – I'm going to talk about.Compassionate Mediation®. If you're a therapist, a mediator and attorney, a coach clergy, counselor, I'm going to give you the tips and tools that I use in my practice that you can use in yours.

Friday Freebies — we're going to post Friday freebies, not just my freebies, but if you have free gifts to offer people.

Saturday Sharing — we're going to have sharing and networking and possibly find a way to get into groups and really support each other, collaborate, refer, and build a community.

Sunday Fun Day –whatever you want to post.

I'm looking forward to making this a very vibrant community where you will find what you need, contribute, what you want, take what is helpful and share in a way that adds value to your life.

And this is all FREE .

I'll do Facebook Lives on Tuesday and Thursday.

I'll send you the links and you can join me there.

Thanks for joining, and please be active.

Send me your questions, write your comments, share your feelings, share who you are.

It really is time for a more compassionate world and we're starting it in our Compassionate Communication Community

Thanks for being part of it. And I'll talk to you soon. Bye for now.

Join us in the group on Facebook: Compassionate Communication Community.



Do you ever get the feeling that you're feeling like this, and that's how you communicating with someone. Doesn't have to be that way. You can learn how to come from your highest and best self and talk about your inner children.Talk about your pain and your sadness and your fear and your Hertz and your hopes and your dreams and your love. And that's what we're going to do in our new self-love. And self-compassion that's coming up soon. So please join me with Marcy Newman, the hardship coach, as we give you tips on how to add more love and laughter and joy to your life, starting now with your own self care and compassionate communication. So we look forward to seeing you soon and please join us. Bye for now.



Just stopping by to invite you to take a deep breath and relax. Can you just relax for 10 seconds? Here we go. 10 seconds. That's all it takes to reset.

So when you're feeling tense or tired, or you have some issues that you're grappling with, just breathe for even 10 seconds and you can pay attention to what you're feeling and the energy can shift.

So I'm wishing for you more joy, more love, more light and more relaxation. So take a breath, reset, and then go about your day feeling better.


New World of CC

Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could all communicate compassionately? It's a skill we can learn – and SHARE!

Click HERE to get your FREE Compassionate Communication Care Kit –– with a free guided meditation to be your best SELF, a short video introduction to the process, a relationship assessment to begin to make positive changes, and roadmap for healthy conflict resolution. 

And CLICK HERE to learn more JOIN ME in my upcoming LIVE class on 6 Keys to Improve ALL Your Relationships



Welcome to the new Compassionate Communication and Compassionate Mediation Community.

Whether you're here for your personal use — to learn how to relate better to the people in your lives — or whether you're a professional, (a therapist, mediator, attorney, coach, or clergy) who would like to learn how to offer Compassionate Mediation® and help your clients learn more compassionate communication…

Whether you're here for your personal growth or professional growth, I'm glad you're here.

I'd like to offer tips each week on how you can learn to communicate from your highest and best self and help your clients do the same.

First, I'd like to offer you a free gift — Compassionate Communication Care Kit

Just go to www.LindaKroll.com/CCC and sign up and get your care kit that will give you

  1. a guided meditation to get to your best self
  2. a relationship assessment to begin to make changes in your relationships today,
  3. a four-minute video explaining what compassionate communication is
  4.  a roadmap to my Compassionate Mediation® process that you can use for your personal use or your professional use.

Please get your free care kit today and begin to take about 15 minutes to change your relationships starting now.

Join Me in my Live Online Course Compassionate Communication: Six Keys to Improve All Your Relationships.

What you're going to do — in just four weeks is to:

  • be your best self in all your relationships
  • let go of your limiting judgments and beliefs that keep you stuck
  •  unburden the pain from the past that you don't need to carry anymore
  • and relate from your heart.

Please join me in whatever capacity you'd like:

Get your free care kit.

Join me in the upcoming course

and please connect with me in the Facebook group.,

I'm going to be doing some Facebook Lives, and I really would like to get to know you personally.

Whether you're here professionally or personally, I want to be of help, and I look forward to connecting with you soon.

Take good care.

"I’ve experienced significant improvements in my relationship with my husband and children."


"I learned there could be a Compassionate Divorce."


“We’re building an entirely new marriage.”


“Linda guided us mindfully through the impact of divorce."


“I came to Linda seeking mediated divorce documents and came out with nothing but peace and hope."


“I am breaking free from destructive patterns.”


“Linda helped me love all ‘Parts’ of my SELF!”


“With Linda’s caring guidance, I moved forward with peace and strength.”


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