I just have to share this with you!
For weeks, the “e” key on my computer stopped working. I put off getting it fixed, and when I finally focused on doing that – I was four days out of warranty and looking at a $900 repair.
I procrastinated getting the help I needed and instead overcompensated by cutting and pasting in “e’s” when I typed (yes, it was THAT nutty and labor-intensive!)
Inspired to add more music to my life and remember to add more loving care for myself, I started to journal. Here’s what I wrote, and here’s what happened. It’s a miracle! 🙂
I WROTE just now:
I’m going to take time to SLOW DOWN today…. and Breathe.
I’ve been moving at warp speed – (I’ll spare you the list of manic activities I wrote….)
So much still to do, but listening to music and writing now are my priorities in the moment.
Oh yes I also…. (more lists)… and THEN!….here comes the miracle….
OMG – just by slowing down the “e’s” on my computer just started working again. OMG! I have been copying and pasting for days now!
SLOWING DOWN, music, breathing, taking time…. the EASE of the “e’s” just miraculously appeared. It is a miracle. I’m laughing. I made it all harder on myself by over-compensating instead of taking the time to slow down and focus on what needs to be done FIRST.
FIRST comes MEEEEEEEE- with lots of EASY EASE – eeeeeeeee – they are back – my lost e’s.
It’s a miracle. Wow, G-d and the Universe – and my angels and guides, are all here to support me – if I just SLOW DOWN enough to LET THEM!!!
Thanks to all my angels and guides in my life. I love having my ease (e’s) back! Love to all! <3 <3 <3
Now what can YOU do right now to add more EASE to YOUR LIFE!
Sending love and support always…. xoxoxo