My Will

My computer cord is at the office and I only have 9% battery. Kind of a metaphor for starting my EXQUISITE SELF CARE mode today.

If I don’t make the time to RECHARGE, I’m continually running on empty – with only fumes to take me where I want to go.

I will get my cord, go to the Botanic Gardens, enjoy nature, breathe, allow myself to BE. (Please join me on my guided meditation here.)

I will put on hold all my to-do’s around lists, money, emails, postings, blogs, courses, letters, requests, _________.

I will do my best not to think about _____________(fill iln the blank).

I will not worry whether _____ feels _________ because he/she needs to deal with that him/herself.

I will go RECHARGE. (Deep breath).

I will breathe, drink water, eat healthy, MOVE.
I will not allow the details of my external life to upset the delicate balance of my internal harmony.

I will allow myself the grace of my own presence.
I will not muddy the waters with negative thoughts.

I will give myself the love and attention I’m seeking.
I will not look to others to provide me what I am not offering myself.

I will afford myself time, precious time, to focus on my needs and desires.
I will not be stingy with the gifts of self-compassion.

I will permit myself to let go of any need to accomplish or do.
I will not deny myself the joy of just being.

I will love myself enough to know that I am enough right now.
I will not think any thought that denies that reality.

I will intend my will to do as I will.
I will not allow a knot of nonsense to prevail.

I will focus my will on my intention for peace.
I will not allow fear to intervene.

I will my will of willingness
to be the well from which my inner peace will flow.

What will you do for yourself today?

(If you are having trouble focusing your will on self care because of relationship struggles, please see my FREE VIDEO SERIES to help you practice exquistie SELF care.

If you’re not sure what to do about an your relationship, please take the Unhappy Marriage Quiz to learn how to make things better.

"I’ve experienced significant improvements in my relationship with my husband and children."


"I learned there could be a Compassionate Divorce."


“We’re building an entirely new marriage.”


“Linda guided us mindfully through the impact of divorce."


“I came to Linda seeking mediated divorce documents and came out with nothing but peace and hope."


“I am breaking free from destructive patterns.”


“Linda helped me love all ‘Parts’ of my SELF!”


“With Linda’s caring guidance, I moved forward with peace and strength.”
