Compassionate Communication
An Invitation to IFS Therapists
I hope all is great with you. I want to share my process of Compassionate Mediation® to help you...
Compassionate Mediation®- Communicate from Your Best SELF!
Compassionate Mediation® starts with Compassionate Communication If you are having conflict in...
Prayer for a Peaceful Parting
“Love is the answer – and it starts with loving your SELF.” My Prayer for a Peaceful Parting The...
Help for Marriage and Divorce!
I have a passion to make the world a safer place for marriage and divorce. Of all the wars and...
Is a Happy Marriage the Unicorn of Relationships?
. “Unicorn,” is defined as “a creature of the imagination; a person that exists only in legends or...
The Proud and “Perfect” Princess
Hi, Dear Ones, I just wanted to share the story I wrote for my six year old granddaughter — who...