Create Passion by Sharing Peace and Partnership

You can learn how to communication with compassion — from your highest and best SELF. When there is a peaceful and respectful dialogue, it’s safe to put your walls down. You remove the filters through which you judged your partner. You no longer see him/her with blame or judgment or fear, and you realize there are no triggers to threaten your security with each other.

When there’s partnership. you feel like a team and fun begins to return to your connection. When you’re safely connected and feeling respected and enjoying each other, the passion you initially experienced begins to reappear. It often intensifies—because of the deeper level of your connection. You remember what you used to enjoy together and begin doing more of it again.

Sexual intimacy is not about technique. A deeper connection on all levels comes from forgiveness, compassion, and peace. The more you learn how to be understanding, empathetic, and affectionate, the more passion there will be.

Make plans together for new experiences that are interesting, exciting, enjoyable. You can take turns arranging date nights, choosing the activities and calling a sitter if you have children. Some of my clients have little activity jars where they just think of something to do, put it in the jar, and take out an idea from time to time so that there’s no pressure to pick a plan and they can mutually create more fun.

Help your partner feel like a priority to you. Focus on making him or her happy—as you ask for and receive what you want and need. Create new habits of touch, connection, laughter, and fun. You will feel appreciated, accepted, admired, adored, and then you reciprocate in kind. Or first offer that appreciation, acceptance, admiration, and loving attention yourself, and see what happens.

Passion can permeate your whole relationship in and out of the bedroom because intimacy is not just intercourse, it’s holding hands, it’s cuddling, it’s hugging, it’s that kiss hello and goodbye. You begin to offer love in the currency of your partner, not giving to meet your needs but to meet theirs. They do the same for you.

In her new book, Turn Your Mate into Your Soulmate, Arielle Ford reminds us of the meaning of love. “Love is both a choice and a behavior…Love is a connection. Love is a feeling…Love is about being willing to forgive. Love is God. Love is who we are. Love is why we are here. To put it simply, love is all there is.”

SARK sees herself as “a full cup of love sharing her overflow with the world.” Isn’t that wonderful?

Fill your cup first. Fill your life with passion, vibrancy and joy. It can be done. You can do it. All it takes is love, starting with loving yourself. Then let your overflow of love bring peace, partnership, and passion to your relationship, to your family, and to the world. To learn more, please click here.

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"I learned there could be a Compassionate Divorce."


“We’re building an entirely new marriage.”


“Linda guided us mindfully through the impact of divorce."


“I came to Linda seeking mediated divorce documents and came out with nothing but peace and hope."


“I am breaking free from destructive patterns.”


“Linda helped me love all ‘Parts’ of my SELF!”


“With Linda’s caring guidance, I moved forward with peace and strength.”
